Getting bitched at by a stranger

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♡•Idea by: Northvieu!•♡

Team Blue Ringed:


Clover: He would ask why first, if it was something stupid he would just leave

Flower: "Whatever you're complaining about sounds like a you problem, not mine!" ^^

Crimson: Doesn't really care and just walks away

Team Girl Power:

Zappy: *Insulting intensifies* ^^

Faith: she would bitch back at them about their "horrible" fashion taste

Tundra: *Casually holds up the middle finger with a cat face*

Grim: she's like "okay", mostly does that to annoy the person who's bitching at her

Flora: doesn't care, if it really annoys her she'll send her pet maws to deal with them

Team Caribbean:

Positive: she's confused on what's going on

Roko: *STARE*

Dapple: "Karen alert!"

Lime: she would ignore them on purpose

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