Winning a lottery

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♡•Idea by:derriannahall!•♡

Team Blue Ringed:

Warrior: Doesn't care really

Clover: Happy, but he gives the money to all his friends

Flower: Thinks he won because of his brother's luck so he gave it to him, he refused

Crimson: Gives the money to his moms

Team Girl Power:

Zappy: Buys useless mall junk and also gifts for Faith

Faith: Goes on a HUGE shopping spree

Albino: Keeps money to pay rent and buy food, she's happy because she's not broke anymore

Grim: She would flex it in her friends' faces to annoy them

Flora: Keeps money to pay for rent

Team Caribbean:

Positive: Buys gifts for her friends

Roko: Buys stuff for Positive


Lime: Spends half of it on bear related stuff and rent, gives the other half to charities/orphanages


Hydra: He buys a lot of decorations from Hotlantis

Moray: Doesn't care because he can't even go in the city to buy anything

Vips: "*Hiss?* (What's lottery?)"

Lavender: "Hey does this mean I can buy anything I want with this money?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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