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"Castiel." She would whisper.

Every morning, every time she regained consiousness I would hear it just as though she were right next to me.

At first it was disconcerting, I would rush to check that she was ok. She never trusted her archangel, and I was inclined to believe her instincts.

She told me it was only to let me know that I was her first thought. -If only I had known just what she meant by that.-

"Castiel. If I ever need you to run to my side immediately, I will almost definitely be screaming." She smiled and playfully hugged me, my vessel seemed to know what to do in return, so I put one arm over her shoulders for a moment.

Now each morning I listen for her. My brothers have started to notice, but have not questioned my faraway look. Maybe one day, I'll say her name back.

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