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Fog welcomed us as we stepped off the jet after landing. 

Two black vans with tinted windows were waiting for us at the exit of the airplane, ready to take us to our final destination.

Romeo was driving fast and had a smile on his face, Gio had his arm hanging out the window next to Romeo and was singing Judas by Lady Gaga.

Alessandro was beside me with his window open, smiling at the view that hovered around us.

Green fields and a river of crystalline water accompanied our trip from the private airport of Nicola.

Who - by the way - is in the black van in front of us along with Amo and Ítalo. They both rushed in and I know the atmosphere inside is one of tension and fury.

"So Serena" Gio started turning his body towards me with a straight face "Do you want me dead?"

I frowned in confusion "What?"

Alessandro let out a loud laugh without taking his eyes off the magnificent view.

"Do you know what is my last name, ragazza?" (girl) I shook my head no and Gio let out a big sigh bringing a hand to his forehead to massage his temples "Moretti, ragazza!"


I hurried to the entrance and smiled as the guards let me in and greeted me as Mrs. Moretti.


Alessandro looked at me with an amused smile "The guards came to tell me that Mrs. Moretti was at the club"

I widened my eyes in shock.

"Yes, they assumed you were married to me because you brought my car and when we were both leaving for the mansion they went to tell Alessandro that" Gio spoke quickly, with concern and anxiety in his words.

"Obviously I clarified that our Gio here was far from married" Alessandro said and Gio returned to his forward facing position.

"Is it so bad being married to me?" I commented in a mocking tone.

"Oh bella, you-" Gio said turning to me in a quick movement and pointing his finger in my direction.

Romeo interrupted him "Tsk ragazzo di buone maniere" (good manners boy)

"You really don't see it do you?" Alessandro asked finally taking his eyes off the window and looking at me.

See what?


"Serena" Gio said sighing deeply to try to relieve his anger "Are you dumb?"

The question asked in an innocent and funny way made me throw the palm of my hand against Gio's forehead making him lean back "I'm not. I just can't understand why"

"Nicola" Alessandro said "Nicola is the why"

"Because we are family and we can't get involved?" I said in a wry tone and with an eye roll.

"It's not that-" Gio tried to say.

"We are here" Romeo said interrupting him with a serious tone.

So what is it?

I'm so confused.

What do they mean?

I know Nicola doesn't allow relationships to exist between mafia members but who cares?

When I was going to ask them to explain themselves better, the three Italian boys were already getting out of the black van.

I sighed in annoyance and opened the vehicle door. A breath of warm air mixed with the winter cold welcomed me.

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