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"Can you fucking stop talking in fucking Italian?"

"I'm sick of being excluded"

"Boy, shut the fuck up. She asked you to do it and if you're her friend respect her and don't try to order her around like a dog"

"We are not excluding you Serena, you are extremely professional at what you do"

"I'll teach you Italian so you'll always stay on top of things"

"Where are you going to sleep tonight?"

"Wherever you want, peccato"

"Scream if you need something" 

I shook my head to push away these thoughts as I sliced ​​tomatoes in the kitchen of the grand mansion.

Ridiculous. Last night was ridiculous. 

Unreal. Last night was taken from a dream.

Last night demonstrated how much this mafia group doesn't want me to be involved in their business.

I don't like to be excluded and yesterday I had to speak up, something inside me was making me scream at them. And so I did, without shame.

And last night showed, once again, how insane Nicola is. His manipulation of promising me he'll teach me Italian and sleep with me?

I promise I don't know what possessed me to invite him in the first place! But the obvious jealousy and anger he showed when he noticed Bi's hand on me. The fury in his words, "Scream if you need something".

 After that moment I did go to sleep and fell into bed - I was really drunk and tired, but my nightmares came back in the middle of the night and kept me awake until the sun came out. 

Nicola never came.

I put the chopped tomato inside the container with coffee and mixed everything. A recipe from my abuela "to heal the heartache", as she used to say when I was sad because of school, or when my parents made me cry.

Do I know the reason that my heart is hurting today? No, it's just one of those days when everything makes me want to cry. Where it feels like I have a really deep, black hole in my body. Where nothing makes sense and I need to go in opposite directions.


A shiver of fright descended from me as I realized whose voice it was and wonder filled my body for being scared of Bi. I turned to where he was - leaning against the metal doors of the industrial kitchen - dressed in a dark blue suit with his hair slicked back with gel.

"A little" I lied. The hangover was taking over me, it must be the air of Italy that is changing my body.

Bi backed away from the doors and took a step towards me, I grabbed the glass with the miraculous recipe against sadness and took a step to the side, with the aim of getting away from him.

"The guys are waiting for you to have breakfast outside" Bi said, frowning.

"Okay, thanks" I said lifting my glass and walking towards the kitchen exit and towards the exit of this awkward situation.

"Butterfly" Bi said stopping me with his arm when I was reaching the doors "About what you said yesterday, I'm sorry"

Chills ran down my spine and I swallowed hard. I'm starting to hate this stupid nickname, we're not fourteen anymore.

"It's okay I overreacted" no, I didn't. He knew. He always knew and he never, never did anything. At least he was aware of what I was going through at home, the bruises were hard to hide.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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