Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

Groaning I slowly open my eyes and it takes me a few minutes to realize that this is not my dorm room. I sit up, the thin blanket that had been covering me falls onto my lap and the bed I'm on squeaks. I look around the room. I think that I'm in an attic. It's very dusty.

The only window is a small circle window that looks like it's out of my reach and the only door is the trapdoor on the far side of the room. I stand up and look down seeing that a chain around my ankle is attatched to the bed post. I pull on it but it's strong and doesn't seem like I'll be able to break it by myself.

I pick up a bucket off the ground and turning it over I stand on it, peeking through the window. From what I can see, if I were to go out this window then I could climb up onto the room. The only problem would be getting down onto the ground. I quickly check my pockets for my phone but that's gone. The only thing still in my pocket is a paperclip, but I still might be able to use that.

"Hey hey! Get down from there!" The sudden yelling scares me out of my pants and causes me to painfully fall back onto the ground, hitting my head hard and making me groan in pain.

I painfully sit up as a man approaches me carrying a drink and a fast food bag. I quickly scoot back away from him. He just sighs as he sets the things on the bed and crouches down in front of me. He reaches towards me but I flinch away.

"It's okay, you're okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Y-You killed my dog...."

"I had to. He attacked me. Took a good chunk out of me to." He pushes up his sleeve showing a bandage wrapped around his arm. "If you trained him to do that, good job. Also good job at stabbing me with your keys. That hurt like a fucking son of a bitch. Anyone else would be really fucking pissed but honestly I'm proud at you for knowing how to defend yourself against an intruder."

"Just let me go!"

He sighs before sitting on the bed and pats the spot next to him. "Come on up. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I just want to talk."

My eyes scan over him, looking for any sign of lying or deception but I don't see any. I slowly stand up and sit on the bed, making sure there is a good space between the two of us. He sets the drink and fast food bag between us. I realize that it's an Arby's bag and a chocolate shake.

"Roast beef and cheddar, medium curly fries with medium chocolate shake, extra ketchup packets for the fries and extra packets of Arby sauce for the sandwich."

" the hell do you know my fast food order that well?"

"Found the receipts that fell out of your car. You got good taste when it comes to food, I'll give you that."

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. I'm not holding you from ransom, this isn't a kidnapping scenario like that."

"Then what is this?"

"It's.....a chance to be together. Where no one can tear us apart."

"I don't even know you."

"Really? You seriously don't remember me? I mowed your dad's lawn for that whole summer, fixed your great uncle's car, sat behind you through all of senior year in AP calculus. None of this ringing a bell?"

"I mean I remember feeling like I was being watched during those times but I don't remember you at all. I'm sorry."

"Guess I wasn't as memorable as I thought....anyway, the name is Bill."

"What did you mean about no one tearing us apart?"

"Well everytime I sent you affections of my life, someone in your family would brainwash you into going to the police and then send you away again. It happened in California and Oregon. After I saw you go to the police twice in the last two days, I knew it was only a matter of time before those assholes were going to brainwash you and send you away again. So I had to save you before that happened."

"Bill, I was never brainwashed."

"Of course you were. Why would you run from my love otherwise?"

"Bill, I am the one who told my family to go to the police when you would send the pictures, and the phone calls and all of the letters. The moving was always my idea."

"No no no!" He stands up and I can see that he is very very pissed off and agitated. He paces around, muttering angry words and swears under his breath. "Not true....he wouldn't.....fucking shut up you shit bag, that isn't fucking true....."

"Bill, I think you really need to calm down. It is true and I-"

"Shut up fucking shut up!"

He grabs my hair yanking me off the bed hard as I cry out in pain. I weakly grab at his wrist before he painfully throws me down onto the floor. He forces me on my back as his hands tightly wrap around my throat. I claw at his hands struggling, my legs uselessly kicking underneath me.

Black spots cloud my vision when he finally lets go of me and backs away from me. I roll on my side, rubbing my throat and hoarsely coughing for air. I glance over at him, him looking down at his own two hands. Both of his hands are trembling. He is the one that nearly killed me, what is going on with him that could leave him scared and trembling like this.

He finally looks at me and I see the fear that he's trying to hide. "I have to go."


"I can't be around you right now....not without hurting you. I'll be back later......maybe.....I'm sorry."

I sit up as he leaves, closing and locking the attic door behind him leaving me there alone and trapped once again.

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