Chapter 9

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(Bill pov)

I lay out the map of Oregon on my car, one hand pulling out my cigarettes and zippo lighter. I take a cigarette out of the pack as I trace our path on the map. The gas station we're out is just outside of Gravity Falls, so to get to those stupid cliffs he liked so much it shouldn't take much longer. 30 minutes I think, maybe an hour at the most.

What's the point? He doesn't care about you. He is just going to continue trying to run away from you.

Fucking shut up. This is the end of the line for both of us. Once we're there, we will finally be able to be together in peace where no one will ever bother us again. And he won't ever try to run from me again.

A muffled thump comes from the trunk. Angrily I slam my fist on the trunk. "Fucking stop that. I told you that if you keep doing that I'll have to hurt you again."

I fold up the map putting it back in my back pocket before lighting my cigarette. "Is everything okay over here?" I glance up seeing a cop get out of his patrol car and make hsi way over to me. His hand is already on his gun still in its holster.

"Yeah it's fine."

"You know you really shouldn't smoke so close to the fuel pumps."

"Did you want something?"

"Where are you headed?"

"I'm visting someone in Gravity Falls, was just getting gas first."

"They don't get many outsiders in that town."

"They're a town full of tourists. All they get are outsiders. And I'm not an outsider, I grew up there. Just haven't been back in a while."

"Uh huh. Why don't you open your trunk for me, buddy boy?"

"Why should I do that?"

"Because this car is stolen. And by the bandages over your eye there, I'd say you aren't in the best shape to be driving a stolen car. Not to mention I saw you hit the trunk and were talking to someone. So either open it up so I can see just who or what you got in there, or I'll arrest you right now and open it myself."

I put my cigarette pack back in my pocket and take the gas nozzle out of my car. I glance down at it before I point it at him, holding down on the handle and dousing him in gas. He takes a step back, confusion and surprise written all over him. I flip my open my zippo, lighting it, before I toss it at his feet. I watch for a minute as he is lit ablaze. I take enjoyment in hearing him scream in pain as the flames dance across his skin.

Growing bored of watching him burn I get in the car. I start it back up again and peel out of there. I roll down my window halfway letting the smoke from my cigarette drift out the window instead of stinking up the car.

It's weirdly nice to be back in Oregon after having been gone for so long. Gravity Falls was a shitty town, all the townspeople being completel idiots. I was honestly glad that having to track down Dipper meant I got to leave. But I do enjoy the natural wilderness of Oregon. And nothing will be as bad as Piedmont was. I was never happier then when I left that place.

I pull up to the cliffs and park the car. I turn it off and get out of the car. I unlock the trunk before I throw the keys over the cliff. I open the trunk looking down at Dipper.

Tear stains are on his cheek, the tape still securely over his mouth. The cut on his head from where I found him at the phone booth, dried blood clotted around it. I can tell the zipties on his wrists are too tight though.

I gently pick him up bridal style hearing him whimper softly. I walk to the edge of the cliff with him in my arms. His hands cling onto my hoodie tightly and I see the fear in his eyes. It takes me a minute to get what is going on in his head.

"You really think I would bring you all the way back here just to throw you off a fucking cliff? If I wanted to kill you, then I would have done so already." I take a few steps back before setting him on his feet. He still is not putting any pressure on his right foot. His right ankle is still pretty swollen. I gently take the tape off from his mouth and use my pocket knife to cut the zip ties from his wrists. I put my pocket knife back before I gently grab his shoulders and turn him around so he's looking at the view below the cliffs. "Do you know where we are, Pinetree?"

"This is......these are the cliffs that look like a spaceship crashed through them. My great uncle showed me these years ago. We're outside of Gravity Falls. Why did you bring me back here?"

"You were out of your element in New York. But here, you felt at home. So this is where our new home is going to be."

"We're going to live on these cliffs?"

"Not exaxtly. We will finally be free from everyone. Just you wait." Hearing police sirens I glance over my shoulder seeing police cars pull up. I put my arm around Dipper's waist, keeping him in front of me as the cops get out of the car and take their guns out pointing them at me. I recognize the brunette woman as the one Dipper had been talking to the day I grabbed him from his dorm.

"Bill Cipher, NYPD. You're under arrest for kidnapping and murder. Let Dipper go right now."

"Yeah that is not fucking happening. You people have been trying to tear us apart for years. But now you won't be able to go near us again." I take a few steps back bringing Dipper with me until we're right at the edge of the cliff. I feel Dipper struggling against me as he realizes what I have in mind.

"It doesn't have to end like this. Just let him go!"

"Not a fat chance in hell. But hey, maybe we'll both see you there someday."

I hold onto him tighter as I take one last step back, Dipper screaming as we both plummet towards the quarry below.

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