Chapter 8

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(Dipper pov)

I stumble back as he walks into the room, putting the pistol in his waistband. "I asked you to stay seated and stay silent. That is all I asked of you, but instead you felt the need to get those people killed. I mean I nearly had them ready to leave when you started screaming your pretty little head off."

"S-Stay away from me...." I mutter, walking back. I trip back on the chair I had been in previously, falling back onto the ground. I scoot back from him as he grabs the syringe and stands over me.

"Just hold still and this will all be over soon."

He grabs my ankle pulling me back to him. I swing the scapel at him. He yells in pain, dropping the syringe as he backs away putting both hands over his right eye. I hurry to my feet, running to the door and making my way up the stairs as fast as I can with my ankle throbbing in pain with every step.

I get upstairs and put a hand over my mout in horror at the bodies laid out right by the front door. Hearing him right behind me, I quickly slame the basement door closed, putting a chair under the doorknob. I back away, hearing him throwing his whole body at the door.

"You fucking shit faced bitch! I'll fucking rip you apart!"

I nearly trip on one of the bodies, looking down seeing a set of keys in one of his hands. I grab the keys before going out the front door, spotting the cop car parked on the street. I limp over to it, climbing in the driver seat. I start it up and drive as fast as I can away from the house.

I drive away from all of the houses, trees looming over me for miles and miles on end. Those police said that they were NYPD, so he still has me in New York at least. Maybe not in the city but close enough to it that the city police are still coming out here.

What the fuck am I going to do? I don't have a phone, I have no idea how to work the radio for this car, and have zero clue on where I'm going or if he is currently following me. If he finds me again there will be no more second chances for me. He will kill me with no hesitation. He needs serious help but I can't do anything for him. I just need to focus on getting as far from him as possible. Maybe find someplace with a phone and call for help. That is my best bet at getting back home and away from him.

The car starts slowing down despite me pushing harder on the gas pedal until it comes to a full stop. I look down at the gas gauge seeing it's empty. Of course it is. Just my fucking luck that this happens.

I turn the engine off and get out of the car. I look at the keys in my hand before throwing them into the forest as far as I can. If he is following me, whether on foot or in a car of his own, that will at least stop him from using the cop car to find me. I wouldn't put it past him to pretend to be a cop just to get away with kidnapping me again.

I hug my arms to myself as I start walking down the side of the road, limping and in pain with every step. My right ankle is hurting worse than before. It is throbbing and feels like it's being hit with a hammer with each and every step.

After walking for about a mile or two I see a gas station on my side of the road. I limp over to it, not seeing any other cars at it. I go to the doors pushing them open and going into the gas station.

The cashier looks up as I enter, and I see the concern that washes over him at the state I'm in. "Holy shit dude. Are you okay?"

" you have a phone I can use?"

"My cell doesn't really work out here but there is a payphone just around the corner of the building by the bathrooms." I check my pockets for any change for that but end up with nothing. He reaches into the tip jar and takes out a handful of cash and hands it to me. "Here dude. You really need this more than I do."

"Thank you." I take the change and walk out. I go to the payphone picking up the reciever. I reach into my pocket taking out Olivia's card that she had given me. I put the money in before I dial her number. I glance over my shoulder nervously as I listen to it ring and ring, relieved when she finally picks up.

"This is Detective Benson."

"Olivia? It's Dipper."

"Dipper, where are you?"

"I don't know. I got away from him but he could be following me again, I don't know. He's going to kill me, I-I had to get away. I think I'm still in New York though, I'm at a gas station. I don't know what road it's on."

"What's the name of the gas station?"

I look over at the gas station sign real quick. "It's Ollie's Gas Stop."

"I need you to go inside, explain to the cashier that you're waiting for the police. Just stay in there until we get officers to you."

A hand grabs my hair from behind smashing my head into the side of the payphone. I cry out in pain as I drop the phone, crumpling to the ground as I feel blood spilling from the side of my head. Looking up I see Bill, a bandage hastily put over his right eye and looking really really pissed.

"Come the fuck on now." He growls as he grabs my arm hard forcing me on my feet and practically dragging me away from the phone booth.

"Just let me go!" I try to pry his hands off of me, him only holding on tighter and it hurting more.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I look up as the cashier comes out. Bill still holds me tightly, one arm around my waist and I feel his pistol right at my back.

"We're fine." Bill tells the guy. "We were just leaving."

"I don't think I can really let you do that, not with him at least."

Bill scoffs before he shoots the cashier in the neck, him falling to the ground holding his neck, and then I get hit in the back of the head hard and it all goes dark.

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