Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

I slowly peel my eyes open, glancing around the unfamiliar bedroom. Looking above me I see my right wrist handcuffed to the headboard right above my head. Looking at the foot of the bed I see my right foot propped up on a pillow, guaze wrapped around it tightly and an ice pack that has long turned warm resting on my ankle. I try to move my ankle slightly but instantly stop, feeling a horrid pain flare up.

The bedroom door opens, and Bill comes into the room holding a silver tray in his hands. "Glad to see that you're awake. I was getting worried that you hit your head a bit too hard." He shuts the door behind him before setting the tray on the nightstand. He takes some keys out of his pocket, unlocking the handcuff. He picks up a cold ice pack off the tray and replaces the warm one on my ankle.

"What happened?"

"You somehow managed to get on the roof and fell. I'm no doctor, but it looks like you only sprained your ankle. You should be lucky that you didn't break it, or worse break your damn neck."

I go to sit up but he quickly grabs my wrist in an iron tight grip and pins it down on the bed hard, his other hand pressing me back on the bed. "Ow!" Using my other hand I weakly try to make him let go of me but he won't budge. "Bill, please let go."

"I told you not to do something stupid. I told you that living here could be great if you would just fucking listen. Instead you had to go and do something stupid like that. Just what the fucking hell were you thinking?"

"I just-"

"What if you had broken your neck? What then?"

"Then at least I wouldn't be stuck here with you."

He lets go of me as he stands up. "You don't mean that."

"Yes I do. You are mentally unstable, hurting yourself instead of getting the proper treatment. You, for some reason, have become so fucking obssessed with me that you literally chased me across the fucking country! And killed my dog!"

"That mutt bit me first."

"Because you broke into my dorm room! Several times! "

"We are meant to be together."

"I don't even fucking know you! I can not for the life of me understand why you are so obssessed with me, but I have no memory of us even meeting ever!"

"Shut up just fucking shut up!"

With no warning he grabs the nearby lamp, throwing it at the wall. The sound of the lamp shattering and the image of the glass going everywhere is enough to make me stop talking. To realize that poking an already pissed animal is not going to do anything good for me.

I watch as he tries to calm himself down, running his hands through his hair. "......I lived across the street from you, in Califronia......I didn't know your family until....."

".....until what?"

" father cheated on my mother with several men. He eventually walked out on me and my mom. We were broke. I started going around asking neighbors if I could do things like their lawn for extra cash. Your dad paid me well to do your lawn. To rake the leaves in the fall, shoveling the driveway in the winter, he even paid me to help him fix your fence. Paid me as well as any full time job. He was kind. And then one of those days, I saw you."

He turns to me and I see a hint of a smile on his face.

"You were sitting up in your room reading a book. I felt this instant attraction to you. A feeling that I have never felt in my whole life. Never felt it for anyone else. I started sneaking out late and just standing out there, watching you through that window. Then one day you were gone. I saw your dad mailing a letter so before the postman got it, I took it and that's how I found out where you were living in Oregon."


"So I ran away. Went to Gravity Falls, enrolled in school just to see you everyday. As we got older my feelings just blossomed more and more. Started visiting your great uncle's tourist trap. Even helped your great uncle get his car working. I couldn't keep all of these feelings in me so I started sending you the letters and pictures. Knowing that if you knew how I felt then you would return those feelings and we could be together."

I sit up as he takes a seat on the bed.

"Then after we graduated, you were gone again. But I remembered during graduation they said you were planning to attend college here in New York. So I came, toured the campus until I spotted you. Watched you, learned your routine just so I could have the chance to talk to you again. Started sending the letters again. When you didn't respond, I even made that shrine towards you. just went to the police and gave them the wrong idea...."

"You broke into my dorm. Your letters were scaring me. The things you described were.....explicit and I didn't want to be part of any of that at all."

"No, your family and the police put the wrong ideas in your head. So I simply went to get you. So we could properly be together and no one would ever get in the way again."

His hand holds onto mine tightly to the point that his nails are digging into my skin. It really really hurts. "Bill-"

He cups my cheek in his other hand. "I love you, Dipper Pines. I have loved you for a very very long time. I promise that no one will ever take us apart ever again."

He plants a kiss on my forehead before he rises to his feet. I watch as he walks out of the room and I hear the door lock behind him.

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