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an: 🔞 ahead, read at your own risk.

The rest of the ride was quiet, Jungkook is playing with the hem of his hoodie, trying to digest what his hyung has been said earlier.

Taehyung sensed that he is nervous so he reach for his hands and intertwined it together, and the latter shyly smile at the sweet gesture.

"Kookie you're nervous, please relax for me'' Taehyung murmured, bringing their interlock hands to his lips.

"Yes hyungie'' he mumbled as he look away, pink hue is visible on his cheeks.

The younger tries not to stare at Taehyung's perfect hand, long fingers loosely wrapped against the stirring wheel as he maneuvers the car smoothly.

Taehyung internally cooed "Don't be scared bun, I respect you and your body, I can wait until you're ready"

Jungkook hummed and nods, looking directly at the window.

After awhile Taehyung park his car at the near convenience store, he realize that they need something important before going home.

"Come on bun let's buy you some drinks and snacks'' he held the youngers hand and snake his arms possesively around his tiny waist as they entered the store.

Taehyung smiling from ear to ear, feeling giddy as he plan not only to buy snacks and drinks but something you know....important.

Upon entering, Jungkook bambi eyes immediately went wide, It's the first time he entered the store as a human and he's so excited!

''Oh freak! hyung look! my favorite snacks are here!'' giggling as he pulled Taehyung into the snacks section.

"Go on bun, pick whatever you want, choose whatever your cute tummy desires" Taehyung chuckled then kiss the younger's temple.

Jungkook didn't need to be told twice, putting all his favorite snacks into the push cart such as banana chips, banana milk, biscuits, ice cream tubs, chocolates, candies...basically all kind of snacks.

Taehyung is leaning on the younger's back, one hand softly secured on his tiny waist, and the other hand was holding the pushcart.

"Hyung I think this is too much, I think it will last until next month, Jungkook state.

"Haha I think it won't take a week cause my very cute bunny here is always hungry" Tae teased the younger.

"Hyunggggg" Jungkook whined.

"Alright baby, do you have anything to add?
Taehyung tighten his grip on the younger's waist.

"This is too much hyungie, let's buy again next time before it runs out" Jungkook whispered.

Okay gaja! (let's go) Taehyung smiled pushing the cart right on the counter.

He secretly reached for the supplies when the younger wasn't looking, making the cashier giggled while shaking her head, he took out his card on his wallet and paid their groceries and went home immediately.


The sun was nearly set when they get back home, Taehyung opened the door and changed their shoes into slippers.

Jungkook sat on the couch first, he felt something odd on his body, his body feel so hot and getting sweaty.

On the other hand Taehyung is a little bit nervous so he excused himself first..

"Kookie I-I go to the shower first, go to our room and wait for me araso?'' Taehyung internally slap himself when he stuttered.

Jungkook hummed "Okay hyung, I'll take a shower after you" he responsed with a heavy breath..

 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦 ♡𝑣𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘♡Where stories live. Discover now