Chapter 6: Old Renegades

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After I shook Alastor's hand, I looked at him. "What do you need me to do first?"

Alastor had his iconic smile as he looked down at me. "Well first thing's first, there's a certain someone I want you to assimilate."

"Um... you mean assassina-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Not a fan of big words." It sounded weird coming from the radio demon, but I just went along with it. "Okay. Who is it?"

He looked down at me. "Are you familiar with the snake guy? The one whose blimp I destroyed?"

"I've never met him, but I know who you're talking about."

"Yeah... you kill that asshat for me, I'll help you do what you need to to get your revenge," Alastor said. I was still skeptical about this deal. I felt like he would stab me in the back or turn me into one of his slaves or something. However, he promised he'd bring my brother back, and I'd do anything to see Anthony again. I grabbed my knife and my revolver before loading it with holy rounds. "Where is this guy anyway?" I asked Alastor.

Alastor chuckled. "Well, it seems he built a new airship for himself, so you can't miss it." I nodded before heading outside to try and find the snake's airship. I eventually came across a half-constructed tower and made my way to the top. I looked around and saw it coming down the street. I backed up and waited until it was just about to pass by when I ran and jumped on top of the airship. I stood up and carefully made my way down until I got to the window. I kicked through the window and saw a bunch of egg people. They all turned and looked toward me before the snake guy turned to me as well.

"Well look what we have here." He chuckled as he looked down at me. I pulled out my handgun and fired at him. It just barely missed his head and hit one of the eggs behind him, causing it to shatter. The snake looked back at another egg and yelled "Get him!" his minions started charging at me. I grabbed one of the eggs and kicked him out of the window. I took two others and smashed them together, killing them both.

As I continued fighting them, a window broke as a bomb was thrown through it. "Oh shit!" I took cover before it exploded into red smoke. Suddenly, a woman busted in through a window and jumped behind cover with me. She turned to me confused. "Who the hell are you!?"

I looked at her. "I was gonna ask you the same thing."

She peeked out and threw a bomb. "Are you with this snake shitlord?"

"Nope. I'm here to kill him." I said as I shot an egg.

The woman smiled. "Then I guess we're on the same side. Name's Cherri."

"Niss." I said as I shook her hand.

She handed me a bomb. I lit the fuse with my cigarette and threw it right in front of the snake. The bomb went off, and it suddenly got quiet. We both stood up and saw that the snake was severely injured. We walked up to him and saw him trying to crawl to his ray gun. Just as he grabbed it, I kicked it out of his hand, causing him to accidentally pull the trigger and shoot his own henchman. The other henchmen froze as one of them yelled. "He finally shot me with his ray gun!"

I looked down at the snake as I aimed my revolver directly at his head. "Any last words?"

The snake covered his face as he pleaded. "Please! Please... don't kill me!" He yelled desperately. I almost felt bad for the poor bastard, and his begs for mercy didn't help.

I looked at him and said, "I'm sorry... but I need to kill you if I want to see my brother again." I pulled the hammer back and kept my gun pointed at him. "It's nothing against you." I pulled the trigger and shot the snake in the head, killing him instantly. I put my gun in its holster and turned to Cherri. "Thanks for the help."

Cherri looked at me and smiled. "So you're the one Angie has been constantly talking about."

"I hope it was all good things."

Cherri laughed. "He wouldn't shut up about how happy he was to be close to you again. Every day he'd talk about ya."

It still seemed weird to me that Anthony would be saying nice things about me, but it was the exact thing I needed to hear. I nearly shed a tear. "So you're his friend? He told me about you too."

"Been friends for years now. It's a damn shame he's gone. Must be hard for you..."

"Yeah... I try not to think about it too much." I said to her sadly. She walked up to me and handed me her phone number.

"If you ever wanna talk, give me a call."

I took the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. "Thank you again for helping me with this guy."

"Of course." She jumped out the window and landed on the roof of a building. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the snake's corpse before heading out as well.

I got back home late that night. When I opened the door, I saw Alastor on the recliner. He looked over at me. "Did you do it?" I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture. He laughed in a sadistic way. "Wonderful. One less piece of filth in this-" I'm assuming he meant to say shithole, but once again, the censoring noise was loud enough to make my ears ring. Alastor looked at me. "Sorry. Can't control that. Really should watch my language..."

"Yeah yeah. I killed that snake prick. You gonna bring back Tony?"

Alastor sighed. "You see kid, my powers may be strong, but I can't revive the dead."

"You Motherfucker! You told me you would bring him back if I helped you!"

"No no no. I said I would help you get your revenge on Lucifer, and then after you took him out, THEN I would bring your brother back."

I sighed. "Fine! Now, tell me where he is so I can slit his God-forsaken throat!"

Alastor looked down at me. "No offense kid, but you're nowhere near skilled enough or properly equipped to deal with him. I wasn't expecting you to kill that snake, so you'll need to give me a while to come up with a plan."

I was pretty annoyed at this point. The only thing I want is to see Anthony again. Unfortunately, I had no other choice but to listen to Al. "Fine. You do that. I'm getting some rest."

"Sleep well." Alastor replied.

I went up to my room and saw Nuggets hiding under the blankets. I laid down next to him before he snuggled up against me. I pet his head softly as I started to fall asleep.

I hope Al keeps his end of the bargain...

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