Chapter 8: Loose Ends

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After a few hours of walking, I found the address the coyote gave me. I slipped the note into my pocket and knocked on the door. A guy opened the door, who I could only assume was Jimmy. He looked like a rat, but half of his face was showing his skull. He looked at me and spoke in a British accent. "Watcha' want?" he asked.

It was weird seeing half the guy's skull exposed. "Holy shit. What the fuck happened to you!?" I exclaimed. I realized afterward I sounded like an ass.

The guy looked curious. "Hm? Oh... My face? Eh... I don't want to talk about it. Come on in." He opened the door for me and gestured me in. I felt like I already made a bad first impression, so I looked around the house.

"Nice place you got. Wish mine was like this." I said softly.

"Thanks. What's your place like?"

"Lots of weapons and beer bottles," I said with a chuckle.

"Ah, arms dealer?" he asked.

"No. I'm an ex-mafia member. I'm the son of the boss."

"Fucking hell man. What happened?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"What made you quit the mafia?" he asked.

"Long story short, my dad is an asshole. Enough said."

"I won't question ya any further. So what brings you here?"

"Well, a friend of yours told me you have an angelic weapon. I was wondering if I could buy it off of you or something."

"Who told you I had one?"

"He said his name was Voy. By the way, sorry about me asking about your face. I didn't mean to sound rude."

"It's all good mate. Voy you said? I know him. He's a very good friend of mine. Unfortunately, I sold it to someone else already."

"Agh. Son of a bitch." I mumbled.

"I'll tell you who I gave it to if you help me out with something though."

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"A couple junkies stole my shit. Ya kill the bastards for me, I'll tell you who I sold the weapon to."

"Give me the address." I said sternly.

He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it down before handing it to me. "Good luck killing those bastards. Make 'em suffer." He laughed evilly as I walked out the door.

About an hour later I got to the address the junkies were taking refuge in. When I got there, I knocked on the door.  I saw one peek out the window and quickly shut the blinds the second he saw me. I could hear him yell out. "Shit! It's the mob boss's son!" I heard them rummaging around before one of the junkies opened the door. "H-Hey... what's going on kid?" He asked.

"Hey. A friend of mine said you stole some drugs from him. Just give me whatever you stole and I'll be on my way."

The guy chuckled. "I'm not giving you shit!"

I sighed. "Listen man, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. And for your sake, I suggest we do this the easy way."

"O-Oh yeah! Of course..." He turned to look like he was about to get the drugs, but turned back around and aimed a shotgun at my face. I quickly grabbed the shotgun and pushed it so it was pointed at his chin, causing him to accidentally blow his own head off. The ceiling had a fresh new coat of red paint on it as the other four junkies looked on with horror. Three of them pulled out their handguns while the other grabbed a knife and began to charge at me. I kicked the knife out of his hand before I grabbed him and used him as a meat shield. The other three junkies tried shooting me, but hit him instead. The poor bastard probably took a couple dozen bullets before I got to a table and flipped it on its side to use as cover. I threw the guy's body on the floor as I took cover. I peeked out from behind cover and shot one of the remaining three junkies in the throat, causing him to choke on his own blood.

I could hear one of the other two junkies yell out. "Shit! He got Richard!" I could hear them run upstairs before I peeked out again.

"Alright... I see we're playing some cat and mouse..." I said to myself. I grabbed the dead junkie's handgun and slowly went upstairs. I felt like they were hiding in one of the rooms. I slowly looked around with the handgun ready. I heard a floor board creek behind me, and I turned around to see one of the junkies trying to sneak up behind me with a knife. He charged at me, but I luckily dodged and tripped him, causing him to fall and drop his knife. I grabbed it and sat on top of the guy, trying to stab him in the throat. He tried holding the knife back, but once I put all my weight into it, it was over for him. He gagged and choked on his own blood as I pulled the knife from his neck. I looked around for the final junkie.

As I passed a room, he tackled me to the ground. He aimed his handgun at me and pulled the trigger, but the gun didn't fire. I chuckled to myself. "Safety's on dipshit." I got up and kicked the gun out of his hand. He tried throwing some punches at me. I dodged them and put him in a choke hold. He gasped and tried punching and elbowing me to get me off, but I didn't budge.

He grabbed my arm. "Listen! I'll give you money and the remaining drugs back! Just don't kill me! Please."

I was used to having people get afraid of me and plead with me, and while I'm usually sympathetic with them. I wasn't letting it fly with this guy. "Sorry bud. Nothing personal. Just business." I snapped the last junkie's neck and let him fall to the floor. I sat up against the wall and caught my breath. "I'm getting too old for this shit..." I said as I lit a cigar and began to smoke.

After my little smoke break, I stood up and saw a briefcase. I opened it and saw a few bags of coke. "Lucky they didn't do all of it yet..." I grabbed the briefcase and looted the junkies for cash. I walked out of the building, stepping over the junkie whose head I blew apart like a watermelon. I headed back to Jimmy's house and knocked on the door. I didn't hear a response, so I knocked again. He opened the door. "The hell you want?" He asked. He looked stoned out of his mind.

"I killed the bastards for you. They even had some leftover coke. Now, who did you give the angelic weapon to?" Instead of answering, he tried to snag the briefcase out of my hands. I pulled back and looked him in the eye. "Tell me first. Then I'll give this to you."

He went to write down the address and handed it to me. "Make sure you're unarmed. Tell them Jimmy sent you and why you're there. Make sure you got a lot of cash on you. They ain't gonna give it away for free."

"How much you think I need?"

"I sold it to them for ten grand, so they'll probably put a higher price on it knowing them. Probably fifteen to twenty thousand?" He estimated. With that, I was one step closer to killing Lucifer. I tipped my hat. "Thanks Jim."

"Good luck." He said before closing the door.

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