Chapter 9: Feuding With Father

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As I was heading to the place Jimmy wrote down for me, I couldn't help but recognize the address. I couldn't exactly pin where I've heard it before though. "666 Sinner Street... why does that sound familiar?" I asked myself out loud, hoping to get an answer from myself. But unfortunately, my memory wasn't on my side. About an hour or so later, I got to the address. I froze up when I saw where I was. It was my father's place. "He sold this thing to my dad? Fuck..." I hesitated before knocking on the door. A mafia member opened the door.

"Hm... oh. Hey Niss. What's up?"

"Hey um, is Dad here? I need to talk to him."

"Yeah. He's in his office. He's kinda pissed that you quit. I'd suggest treading lightly near him."

I sighed. "I'm sure he'll make this hard on me. Hopefully not, that way I can be in and out."

I was outside the door to my dad's office and took a deep breath before opening the door. He looked up from his desk. "Arackniss... Have a seat." I could tell he wasn't pleased to see me. However, at the same time, he didn't seem upset. I hesitantly sat down in the chair across from him. He turned around and lit a cigar. "What do you need from me now?"

I took a deep breath. "A guy named Jimmy told me he sold you an angelic weapon. Can I borrow it?"

He chuckled. "What exactly do you need it for?"

"It's not your business. It's for something important."

He looked me dead in the eye. "Tell me or you're not getting it."

"Fine. I need it to kill Lucifer."

My dad just looked at me and laughed. "That was a good joke, kid."

"It's not a joke. I'm being serious, Dad."

He laughed even harder to the point where he was wheezing and smacking his desk. He calmed down and  looked at me. "You really think you're gonna be able to kill Lucifer? Ha! What drugs are you taking and where can I get them?" He laughed for a few minutes longer before finally stopping. "So, you want the spear Jimmy sold to me huh?" He stood up from his desk and looked out the window with his hands behind his back.

"Y-Yeah... I'll give you money for it. I just need to borrow it for a couple days."

"How much are you offering?" He asked, still looking out of the window.

"Well, I was thinking between fifteen to twenty thousand?"

"Hmmm..." Dad thought to himself for a moment. "Before I answer, tell me Niss, why did you abandon the family business?"

"Because you're an asshole," I said with no remorse.

"Hm? Is that so now?" He said pulling out a knife. Suddenly, he threw the knife in my direction. I quickly dodged out of the way as it hit a dartboard behind me. "You want the weapon Niss? You'll have to fight me for it." He said as he pulled the knife out of the dartboard. "I'll even let you throw the first punch. Go on. I know you want to." I wasn't sure exactly what to do, but before I could decide, Dad looked down at me. "You don't wanna be a disappointment like Tony now, do you?" He asked.

Almost instantly, I felt my blood come to a boil as I punched him right in the face. "DON'T TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!" I saw a couple teeth fly out of his mouth before he spit out some blood.

"You hit like a toddler." Henry said before grabbing me by the neck and pinning me against the wall. He pulled out a knife as he kept me pinned against the wall. I was lucky enough to kick his hand and make him drop the knife, so he resorted to strangling me against the wall. I gasped and struggled as I felt his hands on my neck. I managed to get him off by biting his arm, which made him let go of me. I tried to run, but he grabbed me and threw me into a table on my back. I tried standing up, but he kicked me in the stomach. As I was laying on the ground, he put his hands on my throat and began squeezing. I tried struggling and punching him to get free, but it wasn't working. I saw his knife and tried to grab it, but it was just out of reach. He looked down at me. "Tell you what Niss, you join back, and I won't snap your neck like a toothpick. What do you say?"

"F-Fuck you... all you ever did was overwork me and abuse me. Is this what mom would've wanted?"

"You keep her out your fucking mouth!" He said punching me in the face. I spit out some blood and looked up at Henry.

"I'd rather die than work for you. At least I'd be with my real family..." I said looking at Henry as I was trying not to pass out.

"Your choice kid. Any last words?" He asked. I mumbled something, to which he couldn't make out what I said. "Try actually talking." He said as he slightly let go of my neck. While he was distracted, I managed to grab some brass knuckles and put them on my hand.

"I said... I'm not... your fucking... DOG!" I swung my arm and hit him in the face with a right hook. He got knocked out and fell off of me almost instantly, most of the teeth on the left side of his face flying out. He stumbled and felt his broken jaw before falling to the floor. I quickly got up and went up to him before I started punching him repeatedly. I didn't stop until I heard him on the ground grunting.

"NOW LAY THERE AND DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yelled as I grabbed the angelic spear. I debated on whether or not I should finish the job, but I showed restraint. "Take this as a lesson. Next time, I'm not going to be so merciful... Henry." I slammed the door shut behind me and saw a couple mafia members pointing guns at me. Once they saw I had the angelic weapon in my hand, they lowered their guns and let me leave. I just walked back to my house afterwards.

When I got home, I was a mess. My clothes were torn, I had blood all over me, and I was covered with bruises. Alastor was on the recliner reading. He looked up at me and his eyes widened. "Damn. Who messed you up?"

I just looked at him. "My dad..." I said kinda of ashamed. He didn't say anything else as I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. After I took a shower and changed my clothes, I put my spear in my room and went to take care of Anthony's pig. After I gave it food and water, I saw a picture of me and Anthony on my nightstand. I walked over and picked it up before sitting on my bed. I looked at the picture and sighed. "If only you could see the shit I go through for you... I love you Tony..." As I kept looking at the picture, his pig jumped up onto my bed and sniffed the picture. I looked down at the pig and pet it. "I'm sorry buddy... but he's gone..." I set the picture back on the nightstand and sighed as I went to lay down. I sighed as Anthony's pig waddled over and began snuggling with me, which was able to make me feel better after the shit I just went through.

I rolled over to turn the lamp off and looked at the picture one last time. "Goodnight Anthony... I love ya brother..." I said before falling asleep.

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