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"Of course I do. You haven't changed much and my mind isn't that bad..."
"I'm glad you haven't forgotten about us. Welcome back Hyung!"
"I'm happy YOU didn't forget about ME Jun..."
"HOW COULD I??? Besides, I bet Jihoonie would have killed me for forgetting about you..."
I laughed. I could imagine the scenario all too well.
"Can I hug you Hyung?"
As a response I pulled him into a tight embrace.
"God, I missed you guys..."

After some time Jun let go of me and glanced to his left. "You still remember Minghao as well, right?"
I nodded in confirmation. They've been pretty much inseparable from the start. If you knew one you couldn't avoid knowing the other one as well.
"I'm sure Seungkwan will be pissed that he didn't get to tell you, but there's enough other stuff he can gossip about. So without further ado: We're together!! Yeyy!!"


Okay, what's new, but still!!! THEY ARE OFFICIAL!!!

"AHHHHH!! OH MY GOD JUN!! I'm so happy for you guys!!! I mean I always knew you'd end like this. It was so obvious from the beginning. But I'm still so so glad you actually got together!! Ahhhhh!!!"
I brought him to my chest for another tight hug.
"When? How? Where? I need THE DETAILS!!"

Jun gave me a heartwarming smile. Oh this boy is SO in love!!
"I had the biggest crush on Minghao for ages!! How could I not? LOOK AT HIM!! But I thought it was a hopeless case. I thought he was straight and there was this one exchange student... Well, it's not important anymore.
I came out as bi at some point and then Minghao came out as pan. I was so surprised, you have no idea!! But I knew this was my chance!! So I courted him and swept him off his feet and now he's mine for almost three years!!"

I squealed. That. Is. So. CUTE!!!
I looked over at Minghao. We hadn't exchanged any kind of greeting so far and I admit I had been too scared of his infamous death stare to even so much as look in his direction for more than a second. Up until now. His facial expression was still mostly calm and collected but Jun's story had brought an amused smirk to his lips.
He then rolled his eyes at me and went to back hug his boyfriend.

"That's not how it happened... And everyone knew I was queer from the very second I came to this world. You were the only who didn't know. I still can't believe you thought I'd be straight. Like eww... not thank you."
It was surprisingly easy to read Minghao's lips. He neither spoke too fast nor to fuzzy. It was a nice change from Seungkwan's horribly fast talking earlier.
"You have no idea how many times I tried to indirectly show and tell him that I'm everything but straight, Hyung. He didn't get it. At some point I just gave up and just told him I'm pan but he still thought I had a crush on that exchange student. Even after I kissed him he thought I just wanted to be nice..."
I stared at Minghao in disbelief. Is it possible to be this stupid?
"But that's okay. I didn't agree to be his boyfriend because of his intelligence..."

Suddenly he started to laugh before removing his hands from Jun's waste in order to be able to sign. "Jihoon just made a comment about knowing another person with this intelligence level..."
I clasped my hands in front of my mouth to hide a smile. I should definitely find out more about how little Soonyoung knows of Jihoon's crush on him.

"Stop making fun of meee...", Jun started to whine and playfully hit Mingahos leg.
"You know very well how stupid you behaved in the past. But I love you nevertheless..."
"Naawwwwwwwwwe. I LOVE YOU TOOO!!"
"I know, I know."
Minghao gave Jun a quick kiss on the head before he turned his attention back to me.

This time there was nothing loving in his gaze. His eyebrows and eyes were squinted, his mouth a thin line and his whole expression was everything but friendly.
He pushed Jun softly to the side and began to sign.

"I'm not stupid. I made my mind up a long time ago. I have a pretty good guess why you ran away and I'd be delighted if you'd tell me your story at some point and proof me right. But I guess you've had a long enough day already, so I'll let you off for now. But I want to make a few things clear nevertheless.
Frist, even if I understand why you did what you did, I'm still pissed. I'm not jumping around happily like the others just because you finally decided to return after years of silence. And I won't make it easy for you. If you want my friendship and my trust back, you'll have to work for it.
But as I said. I'm not stupid and I'm no asshole. I won't be mean to you or plot any kind of revenge. Just don't expect me to treat you as my best friend right away.
Second, do anything to harm any of my friends or Jun and you're dead.
Third, pull a stunt like last time and I'll make sure you never walk into our lives ever again. I won't let you do this to everyone a second time. You undoubtedly had a lot to deal with. But don't think for a second that this was easy for the rest of us. You might have lost your hearing, but we lost a person very dear to us. We didn't even know in the beginning if you were dead or alive. And even after we'd found out that you'd moved in with your aunt, we all had to deal with the fact that you wanted nothing to do with us. So don't think for a second you're the only one who went through hardship. Loosing your hearing is undoubtedly devastating. But so is loosing a friend."

I swallowed hard. All he had said was true. I had aways known that they probably hated me for leaving but I somehow forgot that they weren't just mad at me but hurt as well. I wasn't the only one suffering from my cowardice.

"And forth..."
"...welcome back, Hyung. I missed you. Make sure to stay this time."
He gave me a small smile before he turned on his heel and left the kitchen.

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