Part 5

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The grizzly cabin POV:
Mateo walks in looking for Finn "Finn? Are you still mad at me? I said I was sorry for being late to practice. Finn? If you're in there, fart twice. I know you can do it. "(Walks away from the bathroom to his bed) "Gwen gave it back"?? He said sadly

Y/n POV:
I stand by Ava and watch as Lou gets ready to start the show "Welcome, everyone, to the Camp Kikiwaka Talent Show! I'm your emcee, Noah's your director, and over on the ones and twos is my number three, DJ Ava. Drop the beat! Give me a d-rop on the b-eat"! I look at her sleeping I tapped her gently " Are you sure you can handle this??" She said hesitantly "yes I'm fresh as a... daisy"! "Now, coming up first to the stage, Billy Thompson from Badger Cabin will dazzle us with Irish step dancing. DJ Ava, drop the beat"! She said happily. A dolphin noise plays " Kind of hard to dance a jig to a lovesick dolphin" she said harshly "sorry my bad" Ava said pushing the right button. "Now, that's more like it. Billy, let's see those feet fly and those arms stay stiff!" She said (While he dances Mateo sits by Gwen) "Hey, Gwen. Why'd you give this back?" Mateo said calmly "Well... I can't be your friend anymore". She said sadly "Why? ( Gasps ) What have you heard? Those swim trunks were defective! You go". He said embarrassed like "Destiny said people can be friends with more than one person. But it's not true. They can't." She said hurting "of course they can" he said "then why is Finn mad at you"? She asked confused "Well, because I missed rehearsal, since I was spending time with you. I guess I've been spending a lot of time with you", he said honestly " Maybe that's why he looked so sad when he saw you teaching me your dance." She huffed "wait he saw us"!? He gasped "Unless it was some other kid dressed like a dummy. Not sure if that's a thing." She questioned "it not a thing it's our thing, ugh I been a horrible friend". He sighed "Give it up for the Magnificent Molly, and her dark arts! Who's got your nose? It's Molly! Coming up next is what everybody loves in the middle of a two-hour show. ( Halfheartedly ) A mime! DJ Ava, drop the beat!" She said in the mic Ava was pushing all kinds of buttons sounds going on "You are really pressing my buttons tonight, Ava. Just not the right ones." She said walking over to us "Oinks? Why do we have oinks?" Ava said confused "Sometimes I miss home. Step aside. DJ Lou is taking over." She said Ava got up to stand next to me "Quick note. I forgot to label the buttons". "You what"!? She said shocked "But look who's wearing two shoes! Still don't know whose they are". I looked at her laughing and pulled her in for a side hug she laid on my shoulder and I had to contain my heartbeat "don't you silent push me this is why no one likes a mime" she said casually.
The mess hall POV:
"Is this going to take long? I need to find out if Stan's gonna get out of that invisible box. Hah! Man, I love a mime!" Noah said smiling "I put together a new routine. This one you'll absolutely love"! She said setting she speaker up "Destiny, the show is almost over, and you're still auditioning?" Noah questioned "I hope you're wearing socks. Because I'm about to knock them off"! She said smiling "I am wearing socks. Although, someone did steal a pair of my shoes". He said confused "( Upbeat orchestral music playing Destiney dances again flawlessly)
"Ta-dow! So, have I finally impressed you for real?" She questioned him " Destiny, you're already closing the show. I told you I like all your stuff. What more do you want?" He said confused "I want you to love it!" She shouted "Who cares if I love it? Do you love it?" He rebutted "what are you talking about"? "You've been telling me what your dad loves, what the judges love, what I should love. The question is, what do you love?" He asked her. "Pageants. I've devoted my whole life to them. I mean, the performing's not my favorite part. There's a lot of pressure to impress people." She sadly sighed "that sounds hard" "it is, Everyone expects a lot of me." Noah looked at her "So if it's not the performing, what do you love about pageants?" "Well, during my reign as Little Miss Tampa, I got to go visit some kids who were in the hospital. I brought them presents, and we hung out. That felt really good." She said smiling. "So you like the charity part of it"? He questioned "Yeah. But I guess I don't need pageants for that. Maybe I've been focusing on the wrong thing." She confirmed happily "You know, if you did want to focus on finding a good cause this summer, I could help you." He smiled she nodded "I'd like that" "so do you still wanna close the show?" "Not anymore no let Y/n do it she's amazing"! She hollered "come on let's go tell her and Let's go watch a guy with sock puppets work out his issues". They both laughed walking off

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