𝐊𝐞𝐩𝐭 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭)

939 11 0

Anonymous asked:

For the requests can you please do something where David is keeping a docile, obedient human mate as his servant (maybe include some hypnosis if you're comfortable). Something where he's both sadistic and affectionate. I hope this is alright!


[Yandere!David x Docile!Reader]

[Warnings] Kidnapping, Hypnosis, Slavery, Abuse, and slight Fluff. David is affectionate but cruel.

[Summary] You were a spitfire - liberated, bold, and in charge of your own destiny. But after meeting a certain platinum blond and his brothers, your fire withered, and you became a kept woman.


"Come here, pet," David purred, beckoning you with the crooking of his gloved index finger. "Come sit on Daddy's lap."

Against your will, your eyes glassy, you glided toward your Master, the crooning of his velvety voice luring you into his clutches.

Your feet shuffled forward, the clicking of the red pumps he forced you to wear echoing off the cave walls. You tried desperately to will your body to stall, but you could not. His hold on you was too strong.

You journeyed to his side, standing before him as he perched on his wheelchair throne. You turned robotically, allowing the platinum blond to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you into his lap. You internally screamed as you felt the prominent bulge of his manhood under your fleshy bottom.

"Good girl," David cooed as he kneaded your hips, peppering kisses on your neck and shoulder.

"You get better and better every day. I'm so proud of you," he drawled into your hair as he inhaled the flowery scent of your shampoo.

You stared unblinking as you watched his brothers snicker, pointing and laughing at you as a single tear escaped the corner of your eye.

They were constantly amused by your anguish, especially when you desperately tried to resist their brother's hold.

You used to be able to break free so easily, but your will has become weak. You've been under his thrall for weeks now, and fighting him each day gets harder and harder. You hated to say it, but you weren't the woman you used to be.

You were once a spitfire, a feminist, raised by a single mother after your father walked out. Your mother was exceptional, hardworking, and didn't need a man to do anything for her.

She brought home the bacon, and she fried it. From a young age, you wanted to be just like her, and you were, for a time, at least.

You went to school, studied hard, and managed to graduate at the top of your class, magna cum laude. You had a high-paying job, and you were an entrepreneur.

In the boardroom, men withered before you when you opened your mouth. Your tongue was sharp, and you eloquently eviscerated your opponents with mere words.

You weren't a bitch (even though people LOVED to call you one). You were assertive, a go-getter, a trailblazer, untamable, and in control of her destiny - until you met your Master, David.

Oh, how you wish you never caught his and his boys' eye.

Since crossing their path, your life hasn't been the same. You went from being a CEO to being a slave, your will controlled by the baby-faced, sadistic platinum blond vampire.

You met him during a business meeting and instantly hated his guts. He was infuriatingly smug, and he kept flirting with you during the entire presentation, with his brothers egging him on, much to your chagrin. You tried to maintain your professionalism but couldn't take it, eloquently ripping him a new one by the end of the meeting.

You packed your laptop, sashaying away in what you perceived as a victory for womankind, only for the platinum blond to grab you by your petite throat and lift you a foot off the ground before you could exit the room.

He smugly smiled as you stared at him, your eyes wide with fear and your feet kicking. You whimpered as you watched his visage morph into that of a monster before your eyes.

You became lost in his gaze, a fog creeping over you. Your eyes grew heavy, and your body felt like lead. You eventually slipped into unconsciousness, darkness swallowing your vision as you fell limp in his grip.

When you awoke, you weren't in the conference room anymore. You were in a cave, and you were being held prisoner.

David and the boys informed you that they were vampires, powerful descendants of Dracula, and they aimed to keep you as their obedient servant.

You fought them tooth and nail, throwing whatever you could get your hands on at the four, but it was to no avail. They made it clear that they had no qualms about hurting you, and their ravenous feasting on your precious blood as punishment was a testament to that.

So you tried to flee, but you never got far. You were much too weak to run because the boys constantly fed from you, but they eventually decided to collar you as a precaution to deter you from any further escape attempts.

The heavy chain around your throat weighed you down, keeping you tethered like a lowly animal.

Sometimes, to toy with you, David would summon you to his chair, yanking on the chain to pull you to him. You would fight wildly, using all your might to resist, but his great strength caused you to become bruised and battered.

David didn't like that much. Don't get him wrong, he loved a good bruise but wanted to keep his pet pretty for as long as possible. So, he began to fuck with your mind, placing you under his thrall to mold you into being more obedient.

You went from being dragged across the floor by a metal chain to being beckoned by his voice's lull.

One moment, you were asleep in your nest; the next, you were undressing and gliding toward his open arms. When you first realized what was happening, you'd regain control of your body as quickly as possible, fleeing into the dark tunnels to cry and shiver in fear.

But you couldn't do that anymore. He nearly had complete control over you now. Soon, you'd be a living doll, docile and primed to serve his and his brother's will.

The thought horrified you, prompting a waterfall of tears to erupt from your ducts like a geyser.

"Awww, what's wrong, pet?" David crooned as he turned your face toward his.

Please, David, you begged with your mind's voice. Please let me go. I can't live like this.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, gorgeous," David purred with a smirk upon his lips. "You're my mate, and I'm afraid I'm keeping you."



[A/n] This is much shorter than my other fics, but it felt fitting to end it where I did. If anyone is interested in me continuing this prompt, I'd be more than happy to. I hope you liked it!

💙 - Ghoulgeous Immaculate

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