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E P I S O D E  2 2 [√]p a g e  t w e n t y - t w o  :  T O U R  G U I D E

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E P I S O D E  2 2 [√]
p a g e  t w e n t y - t w o  :  T O U R  G U I D E

male senju ahead ⚠️

" mitsuya, have you seen ms. michiko's chat on our class gc?" mitsuya turned to chifuyu. he felt different looking at chifuyu right now; the boy wore off all the piercings around his ears because it's considered breaking the dress code of the school. chifuyu looked so clean and clean isn't really in the boy's vocabulary.

" no?" mitsuya shook his head, sounding more confused than he intended, " what is it about?"

chifuyu shrugged, " i don't know. my phone died before i saw the complete message. can you check it?" he favored, making the lilac-haired boy to reach for his phone that was inside the net pocket of his duffel bag, " i remember reading that it's a project for the second semester."

the first term had passed and so is the summer vacation after that. everyone had been begging their schools for the summer break to be extended but it is really just part of the school system and they can't make an extension for it. many people still wanted to fulfill their list of things to do during the break but unfortunately, not many get to complete theirs.

mitsuya's phone showed a notification on his lockscreen. his phone opened and led him to their class group chat. he initially scanned the message; it was pretty long and even a file was provided.

chifuyu scooted close to him, peering over his shoulder.

Class 2-1 (Mathematics)

Michiko Meiri
: Good day, everyone! Sorry for not being able to attend our classes. I was on sick leave and wasn't able to meet you. Anyhow, this message is intended to announce your mathematics project. You will be doing a CONIC SECTION MODEL, which will be done BY GROUP and each group contains 4 members except for the last group that will only contain 3 members. I grouped all of you fairly so no need to switch. The project is simple and will be easy to do if you follow the provided instruction so READ CAREFULLY.

: [conicsections.pdf] This file contains the groups and also the format of the document that you will be printing and submitting to me next week after our wellness break.

: Your project will not be video-recorded because you will do the model DURING our period.

: Enjoy the rest of the week and see you soon!

mitsuya and chifuyu glimmered at the sight of BY GROUP, thanking the heavens for not making the project done individually. chifuyu pushed mitsuya to look into the file and check which group they're in. the latter didn't waste anytime and pressed the pad of his finger on the screen; the file opened, showing the format of their project. the first two pages contained instructions, an assessment, a checklist, and a space for documentation. the last page of the file showed the groups of members.

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