Chapter 24. The Loudest Sound

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The loudest sound you will ever hear is the sound of a friend being shot... especially if it's with their own gun. I couldn't get that sound out of my head. Over and over, in slow motion, hearing the shell hit the ground... I couldn't get out of bed either. I didn't want to. I had locked my door so nobody could come in and I could just be alone. Stan had looked me right in the eye when he pulled that trigger.

Audrey had been in the room, she was walking in to ask him something. I had never heard somebody wailing in agony before, and it's not a good experience. Especially when their husband's blood is on your shirt. I hadn't been hit by the bullet, but I was close enough to get splattered. How on earth could I not be traumatized? I still felt the sticky, hot red on my face no matter how many times I would scrub it.

The next few days went past before I woke up one morning and heard my stomach growl. I got up, took a shower, got dressed, and then went downstairs to the dining hall. People down there saw me and acted like they'd seen a ghost. I was about to get my food when I got tackled and stumbled as Beverly squeezed the air out of me. I realized that everybody had the same look on their face. They were happy I was back.

I put my arms around her shoulders and hugged her back. "I missed you too."

I got my food and sat down with her to eat. Travis looked across at me as Beverly held onto my arm, probably worried I'd leave again. "So, what did I miss?"

"Well, all weapons are on lock down. We don't want anybody else getting hurt. Stan's funeral is arranged to be in two days. Audrey is on bed rest because the stress is giving her complications with the pregnancy. Carly has been talking to her about inducing but Audrey is pretty stubborn."

"Well the baby will be born in good enough time. Do you really think with all of this she's going to do that to herself?" Beverly shook her head no and I stuffed the last bite of mashed potatoes into my mouth. "Okay then, what else?"

Lucas and Travis shared a look then looked back at me. "Henry is acting really strange. He keeps mumbling about how he could've stopped him, trying to make sure everybody is okay. Showing the same signs Stan did before he... you know." Travis choked on the last few words and I nodded. It was too soon to say it out loud. I couldn't sleep peacefully, seeing that last moment over and over again. "Anyways, Lacy keeps trying to get through to him, but it doesn't always seem to work. She can calm him down, and keep him busy, but Stan only took a week before he was pushed too far. I'm afraid we might not get that long with Henry."

"Henry didn't go through what Stan went through. He wasn't used the same way, so he's not nearly as traumatized. We can use that to our advantage. We can find a way to use that to help him. We still have some time." I tried to sound sure but if Henry was showing the same signs that Stan was and I have, that could mean a number of things but that kid... I didn't see him anymore, but he creeped me out still.

"I hope you're right."


The following day, I went to see Audrey. She was lying in bed, her nose buried in a leather bound book with no title. She looked up at me, tears in her red and puffy eyes eyes, and set the book aside. I recognized it as something I always assumed was a log book. Stan always had it in the cafeteria at dinner time, writing in it.

"Hey," I said quietly as I walked further into the room, leaving the door open.

She gave me a weak smile, trying to seem okay as she laid there all alone in her own misery and grief. "Hey there, Daniel." Her hand went to the book and stroked the binding. "This is Stan's journal. He always told me when he passed I could read it, but only then. I guess I know why, now. Not that I really ever wanted to."

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