🦟 Chapter 6 🪰

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Leafsky opened her eyes, to see the rising moon. She looked up at the fading clouds, wondering if Reddaisy was bouncing on them, like a StarClan cat would in her dreams as a kit. She looked down to Reddaisy, he had been cleaned with mint and heather, in the spots they weren't sleeping on. A single tear ran down her face, as she sighed. She couldn't believe her mate that she had for so many moons was gone now, and it made her have an uncomfortable feeling. "Reddaisy, I hope you get to StarClan safely." She meowed silently into his ear, licking his shoulder.
4 moons had passed, Cloudnose's kits were now old enough to come out of the nursery, and boy, they sure were excited about it. Also, Leaf-bare had come.
Leafsky made her way through the snow covered forest, a finch in her jaws. She had caught it snuffling around in the snow for seeds earlier, and now she was making her way home. I can't believe it's Leaf-bare already.. Atleast, the elders will enjoy this, or Cloudnose and her kits. She thought, smiling at how happy the two kits of her friend were. But, she felt that there was something missing in her life, and she knew what it was. Reddaisy. She still missed him and still grieved, but she was still happy about her son's progression. She made her way through the snow drowned tunnel, as her paws were freezing. She slid out of the tunnel, smiling about her familiar home. She put the finch down in the pile, as Jackalpaw came running out of the Apprentices den. "I'm so sorry, mom, I overslept!" She let out a mrrow of laughter. "Son, I let you oversleep, because I went hunting." She meowed silently, laughing with quiet mrrow's. "Ugh! Stop with your shenanigans!" She continued to chuckle for a minute before looking at Jackalpaw. "How's Cloudnose and her kits?" She meowed, as Jackalpaw turned to her.  "Featherkit and Acornkit are a pain! They won't leave me alone, but they pay up with their cuteness." She smiled. "Let's go train." She purred. She made her way through the tunnel again, hearing the rustling behind her as she made her way into the forest. Jackalpaw caught up to her, they were now walking side by side. "Mom, are.. you still grieving about dad?" She sighed, as Jackalpaw meowed. "Yes, dear.. But I understand that StarClan decided it was his time." She meowed, as Jackalpaw sighed. "Mom, you won't like the news your about to hear." She stopped, flicking her ear curiously. "What is it?" "Amberleap is sick, she has Greencough," She gasped, her fur rising. "But!" Jackalpaw continued, "Before you panic, it's not serious. She just has a small cough, a small fever, and she aches." She let out a sigh of relieve. She was worried about her, after all, Amberleap was her mother. "Well, we have no time to waste." She darted through the forest, knowing Jackalpaw wouldn't be able to keep up, but she slowed, worrying about him getting lost in the snow and freezing, she now felt guilty about darting away with consent. To her surprise, he kept up just fine, and she speeded up again as the pounding was louder behind her. She lunged into the Sandy Hollow, luckily, the clearing of the small cavern was not covered in snow, for a great big oak tree stood, swaying in the cold breezes. Snow fell off it, and landed onto the hillside of the hollow. Jackalpaw soon darted in, falling into the small pile of snow on the side. "Ow!" He exclaimed, as she let out a mrrow of laughter. "Today, I'm gonna teach you how to dodge." She meowed, as Jackalpaw's eyes lightened. "Okay!" She stood up tall. "Come at me, try to get a blow in." She meowed, as Jackalpaw darted towards her. She had a smug expression, as the Tom raised his hind paw to launch upward to claw her. He launched, unsheathing his claws, but the shecat ducked under him with ease, hitting his hind paw, throwing him off balance. "Ah!" He exclaimed, falling into the cold sand. "You cannot just attack your enemy without expecting them to dodge, dear. Do you really think they'll just stand there and take it?" "Precisely." He got up, shaking the sand off him. "I'll teach you to dodge an attack." "Okay."
She taught him how to dodge, and other secret moves she knew. They trained until dusk.
"We should head back to camp." She meowed, as Jackalpaw nodded. She made her way out of the hollow, as Jackalpaw bounced ahead of her in the snow. "Race ya!" She meowed, racing past Jackalpaw as he soon caught up. "I'll win!" "Ya sure about that?" She launched herself onto a tree, using the branch to leap further ahead of him. She swerved, skidding to a halt when she reached the tunnel. "Ha! You never win." She purred, as Jackalpaw let out a grumble. "Blah blah." He continued past her, and down into the tunnel. She walked down the tunnel, and into the camp, as she watched Jackalpaw reunite with his two sisters, bringing prey to the elders and Cloudnose. She smiled, taking a plump, large rabbit from the pile. She made her way to hers and Reddaisy's favorite spot to eat at, settling down. She missed Reddaisy. She began eating, and she had just realized how hungry she really was. She felt eyes burning into her pelt, as she looked over, gulping down a mouthful. It was, of course, Sandstar. When he noticed that she was looking at him, he started walking towards her. "So, how are you?" He sat at least a small distance from her, not trying to make her uncomfortable. "I'm fine," She meowed, taking another mouthful and gulping it down. "I'm just busy, and I can't get over Reddaisy." She looked to Sandstar, as his ears pinned when she mentioned her dead mate. "Oh.." His eyes dulled. "I'm still sorry for your loss. It must be hard for you, I understand. I lost someone once." She smiled at the leaders pity for her. She slightly blushed, her head turning hot as she looked away. Wait, no, what am I thinking? I love Reddaisy.. but, if I do love him, will Reddaisy accept?.. She thought, her eyes clouded with grieve, guilt and love. Her fur prickled as she had an idea. Do I love both of them?! She looked back over, as Sandstar now had a finch in his mouth. Seems he had went to the pile while she was thinking. She continued eating, as the awkward silence towered over both of the cats. She finished her food, but before she could get up and go to the warriors den, Sandstar stopped her. "Wait!" He exclaimed, as she looked down at him with confusion. He sat up, looking embarrassed by his sudden breakout. He licked his own chest fur for a moment, before continuing. "I.. I know this might be much to ask, but can you see me in my den tomorrow morning?" She flicked her ear with confusion, as the Tom looked even more embarrassed. "Um, sure!" She meowed, as Sandstar nodded and smiled, picking up his finch as he headed to his den. She made her way to the warriors den, as she entered, she plopped down in her nest, grooming her own fur for awhile, until finally falling asleep.

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