Hit - DD Osama + OY

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You and dd were in an argument and you knew not to Touch him but started getting in his face and slapped you not that hard but he still did and he pushed you against the wall hard asf causing the pictures that were on the wall of your mother and siblings to fall and shatter and you to hit your head.

You started crying immediately, you had a red mark on your cheek from his slap and your head was bleeding from the push, you looked up at him and he looked so.. Sorry.. Regretful..and he looked at his hands that were shaking like he was terrified..

Of himself..

You got up without looking back and grabbed your keys and phone and left out the house, he didn't try to stop you to apologize which hurt you more but you couldn't care..

The one person who said he wouldn't hurt you out his hands on you, you were sobbing and you went to the studio only to be met with everyone staring at you when you opened the door.

"Why you cryin mh" notti asked immediately embracing you into a hug. "Me and dd got into an argument and I got too close to him and he slapped me and pushed me against the wall" you explained quickly and through your tears.


"Dd?..Our dd?.. your talking about David? Putting his hands on you?" Edot asked almost as if he didn't believe it, and you slowly nodded, everyone got up and walked to the door. "Let's go y/n" ddot said, and you flowed behind everyone.

When everyone got to the house the door was still wide open how you left it, and it was quiet, all the door were open except for your bedroom door, "hold on" ddot said and him and notti went in the room and closed the door

Notti pov

When we went in the room it was dark but we heard sniffles coming from the other side of the bed, so we slowly walked over there and there he was, he was sitting on the floor head down with his back against the wall "David" ddot said "I didn't mean to bro..I don't know what the hell happened. It was an accident I would never put my hands on my girl..I didn't mean for it to get dat far..wrd 2 everything I'm sorry bro

I know I'm wrong, bro I fucked up" He said now crying and you could tell he wasn't even himself at the moment, me and DDot shared a look of concern but then walked out of the room "y/n go in there" ddot said and I pushed y/n into the room and shutting the door before we both started getting yelled at by everyone .

"HEY! calm tf down, just..let them talk it out, she will be fine." I said and they all shut up.

Y/n pov

I whined as I walked towards where the sniffles were coming from and I seen dd, he looked up eyes wide and got up walking towards her and he pulled her into a tight hug "mama I am so sorry, I don't know what happened and I hurt you I know, I-I promise I will never hurt you again just please forgive me" he begged and he was crying

I thought to myself before asking "why didn't you apologize when you did it" I asked "I felt like a monster.. I didn't even wanna be myself so I was just like, she probably doesn't want to be near me..mama I'll get the pictures fix, I'll stay away, I'll even give you time to think just please..don't leave." He begged and I just held his hands

"Promise me dd..you do that stupid shit again" you said and he smiled and nodded "I promise mama.." he said and he kissed you and you kissed back.

We laid down he cuddled you until you went to sleep, and he went to go get water only to be met with the whole oy crew in the living room staring at him "wait-" was all he got out before he started getting yelled at and he got slapped in the head by jstar Melz and jay. "Ow!"


There you go💕
Requested by: gorillaz2400
Word count:730💕

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