1 (pt. 2)

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This jackass's eyes looked up higher than my person when he saw Will rush over to me, a faint hint of fear clouded over his vision. Will put a hand on my shoulder, looking at the scene in front of him. Some random boy, somewhat doubled over, struggling to breathe and his best fighter looking slightly irritated.

"Bree, is this 'scruf' here bothering you? Tate, are you bothering her?" Will said, his father-like authortiy coming out. The boy, Tate, who heard my name squinted his eyes at me and tried to place my name to my face. His jaw dropped slightly, eyes going wider than saucers, and realization punched him harder in the face than I ever could.

"B-Bree Hawthorne..? Is that you?" He asked, stuttering. I shrug and nod, in a monotonous mannor, he seems to intake how he must look, putting on his 'badass' facade. Kyleal walks up behind me, enthusiasm is coating his entire body.

"Bree, that. was. the. shit!" He put emphasis on every word, making me laugh softly. The boy, Tate, scoffed and rolled his eyes at me.

"It was a decent, for a girl." Kyleal and Will opened their mouths ready to defend me, but I held up a hand, stopping them in their tracks.

I roll my shoulders and cracked my neck slightly, making my way back to the middle of the training room, to the punching bag and the ring. My second home. All of the men in the room watch me with an intense gaze. I walked up to the bag, sliding on my blue and black Everlast gloves, and began to scrap with the bag. Sweat was drizzling down my body- coating me in a sticky mess, my pontail coming loose, causing my long, curly hair to stick to my body like glue. I was throwing my best punches, imagining I was in the ring battling for defense of my title.

With one final I swung with all my force, sending the bag flying- its chain making an nerve-wracking chime.

The room was dead silent when I finished. I walked back to where everyone else was, smirking.

"Was that decent for a girl?" I said, readjusting my pony. Will gave me a proud smile before englufing me in a hug, "That's my champ." He says, making me smile in self-accomplishment. Will was like a father to me, since my own wasn't around as often as he should've been. I felt him pull away, before someone else hugged me. Kyleal's classic Versace cologne wafted into my nose, giving me a secure feeling.

"Bree-Bree, I'm proud of you, you shouldn't even have to worry about the thought of ever losing a match, you're a star!" I smiled and took the compliment. I didn't expect Tate to say anything, his mouth must've been full as he ate his douchebag words. Unsurprisingly, he sat on the bench, eyeing me warily as he had an inner battle with himself. Sighing, he pushed himself up and walked out of the gym. I rolled my eyes.

He couldn't take the heat of the kitchen, apprently.

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