Frank Iero

18 0 0

Warning for yelling ig
Idk which Frank era use ur imagination

3rd person POV:
Y/N had been waiting all day for his boyfriend, Frank, to come home. Frank was out recording some songs for Mcr's new album, and was supposed to come home at 8:00. It was now 12:00. Y/N had kept trying to call him, but no answers, so he just assumed that they went out for a few drinks. Y/N has had dinner set out for 3 hours now, he made Frank favorite, but he wasn't even there to eat it. But still, Y/N waited patiently for his boyfriend to get home so they could eat together.

It was 12:30 when Frank came home.

As soon as I heard the squeak of the door I shot up out of my spot on the couch, where I was half asleep and sprinted towards the door. I was so excited to see Frank.
"Baby!" I yelled out to him as I engulfed him in a tight hug.
I was expecting the same energy in return, but all I got was a sigh and a small "Hi." In response. I frowned slightly and pulled away from him slightly, my arms still loosely around his waist.
"Frankie are you alright? Did something happen?"
"No. I'm fine. I'm just tired. Can u let go so I can go to bed?" He sighed.
I looked down and backed away from him.
"Why are you home so late? I tried calling you."
He put his elbows on the counter and rubbed his face in his hands before responding, "Gerard didn't like how his vocals sounded, so he had to redo it a million times, and Ray was late, and I cut open my finger and there was just a lot going on"
"Oh I'm so sorry hun.." I reached out to put my hand on his shoulder but he shrugged my hand away.
Why is he acting like this? Did I do something?
"Do you need any dinner? I set out plates for us a while ago. It's probably cold by now... but I can put it in the microwa-"
"I'm fine. I just want to sleep." I was interrupted
"Are you sure? You haven't eaten since lunch, you must be hungr-"
"No! I told you I'm fine." I flinched a little at the tone change in his voice
"But bab-"
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST Y/N!" He threw his hands in the air, my eyes widened and I backed away.
"CAN I NOT HAVE ONE FUCKING NIGHT WHERE YOU'RE NOT NAGGING ME!" My eyes started to fill with tears and i started to shake. I hate yelling. I didn't mean to make him upset.
"I-I'm sorry i didn't mean to upset y-"
I stood there, frozen, the tears had already started to fall a while ago. My lip was quivering and my hands were shaky. He stared back at me and his expression softened, realizing what he's done.
"Baby i-" he reached out to me, which I responded to with a flinch, covering my face. His eyes filled with tears at this.
"Baby you don't- you don't think I would actually.. hit you... right..?"
The room was silent. I ran off to our room, sobbing, and slammed the door.

Franks POV
"Y/n!" The door slammed.
Why did I have to say that stuff to him?
Why did I have to yell at him? He hates yelling.
All he was doing was making sure I was okay, and this is what i give him in return?
Fuck. I'm a horrible boyfriend.
I looked over at the table and saw too full plates and untouched silverware, he made my favorite. And he hasn't eaten.
I need to talk to him.
I walked towards our room, I heard sobbing from the other side of the door. When I put my hand up and knocked on the door I heard a small amount of shuffling and then a small "go away." I hate when we fight. I hate when we're so distant. I hate the fact that I caused this.
"Baby- I- I am so so sorry, i don't know why I yelled, it was just a really stressful day. But that doesn't give me the right to take it out on you when you're just trying to help. I can't begin to explain how sorry I am." My voice kept cracking, I was trying so hard to not start crying again.
"I would never ever in my entire life, hit you, and I'm such a shitty boyfriend for making you scared I would. I'm so sorry I yelled baby. I promise it will never happen again."
I heard more shuffling and the the click of the door handle. He opened the door and stared at me for a few seconds. I was expecting a slap in the face, or a shove so he could walk out the front door, but instead, he hugged me. I was surprised, but I hugged him back even tighter and as soon as I wrapped my arms around him, I gave up on trying not to cry and started sobbing.
We stayed like that for a while, standing in the doorway, sobbing, clinging onto each other for dear life. I pulled away from him slightly and put my hand on his cheek.
"I love you, Y/N, so so much, and I'm so sorry that I hurt you."
"I love you too Frankie."
I pressed my lips onto his and he moved his hands to my neck as we kissed slowly and gently. I picked him up bridal style, which caused him to let out a small laugh. I carried him to our bed and set him down before joining him.

3rd person POV
Frank pulled Y/N onto his chest and kissed the top of his head while Y/N buried his head into his boyfriends neck. They stayed like that for the rest of the night, with their legs tangled, holding each other as close as possible, whispering small 'I love you's'  back and forth, until they both eventually fell asleep.

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