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You opened your eyes slowly to see... that you were in an entirely different room. Laying on your back you sat up straight. "What the?"

Standing up you looked around to scan your environment. "Ok, so I'm in an entirely new area." You said. In front of you, there was a door. Walking cautiously towards the door you felt in your pocket. The 1911A1 was in there causing a sigh of relief from you.

The door opened up and a hallway was present. The hallway was decently long and it was wide as well. You could see another door across from it. Walking down it slowly you heard a slam! Jumping in fright you pulled out the pistol. You turned around just to see that the door closed.

You let out a deep breath and tried to calm yourself. Continuing to walk forward you were about to reach the door. The door then opened and a man stepped out!

The man had a mustache and a grey smock on like Grunts. He also wore a name tag that said "Romp 129". More men that looked the same stepped out as well. You backed up in shock.

There were about 4 men that stepped out. They all lined up, stuck out a hand, and bowed. Then they all lined up against the wall. Pointing for you to go into the door. "Right this way my (gentleman/lady)" All the Romps said in unison.

You had a confused look on your face. "Ok? Thanks?" You said. Walking past them you entered the next room. More men stood there looking at you. They all pointed toward a star shape on the wall. "Right this way."

"I don't like where this is going." You thought. Having no other choice you walked towards the star. Getting closer to it you gave it a look.

Then a face appeared on it! Two eyes and a mouth appeared. Along with a mustache similar to those men.

"These familiar faces... Your allies in purpose... Have BETRAYED you!" The Star said. You gave another look of confusion again and turned around. All the men were pointing at you as they closed in slowly. One had a "YOU ARE BETRAYED!" sign.

"What the hell!" You yelled. Priming the 1911A1 you fired at them. One of your bullets hit one of them. Causing their head to be blown open. Blood sputtered everywhere. You then grabbed one of them and threw them to the ground. Stepping onto their torso a rib flew out.

Firing another shot a bullet pierced into three of them. You looked onto the ground to see a revolver. You threw the revolver into the last one's head.

The revolver flew right into their eye! Blood leaked from the spot they were hit from. The Romp tried to pull out the revolver from their eye.

In doing so they pulled the trigger! The blast had the back of their head explode. Brain matter and chunks of meat blew off. You almost gagged at seeing that.

Then the final Romp fell onto the ground. You ran into the next room and more Romps were there. There was a pipe to the left of the door.

Grabbing it you hit one of them in the side of the head. As they approached you slowly. You punched one in the stomach. The Romp fell and you stomped onto his skull. Then you turned your attention to one with a sign. You hit him over the head as hard as you could.

This caused his head to dent. You did it again as you slammed it into his skull. He fell as a few teeth flew out of his mouth. Then you slammed the pipe into another one's face. Blood leaked from the pipe as it drained.

Turning your attention to the last one you grabbed his face. You then ripped it off! It made a sick ripping sound as the skin tore from the muscle. You pulled as hard as you could to remove it. When it finally came off you dropped it. His face made a splat as it hit the ground.

You shook off your bloody hand and shivered. "Oh god, that was gross." You said. You continued onward into the next room. You entered a room with four doors. Looking around you inspected it.

Then you heard a loud slam! Jumping you looked between the two doors in the middle. There was a small crack that appeared. Then another loud slam happened. The crack got bigger until it was large enough for something.

That something was the face of the star. "This just in! BETRAYAL UPGRADE IMMINENT!" The Star said. It then gave a large ugly smile. Showing its gums and its ugly teeth. It stared at you with malicious intent.

You then heard the doors open. Multiple Romps stepped into the room. Their faces however were all twisted. They had the same smile as the star but their eyes were black with red dots. They pointed at you and two came in with signs.

"STAY BACK YOU FREAKS!" You yelled. You shot one in the face but it didn't affect the creature. You shot again but it just lunged at you! Dodging out of the way you shot again. Hitting a different one.

The same effect it had on the last one. Nothing. They all approached as you were backed into the corner. "Oh god! Please make my death painless!" You yelled. Then the room started to shake.

The lights flickered as the middle of the room started to break. "Oh god, what now?!" You yelled. A black figure appeared out of the ground. It began to take shape. The form began to look like the... Deliberator.

All the Romps turned their attention toward her. The Star looked at her as well. "You demented creatures! Stay away from that child!" The Deliberator said. Her voice didn't sound calm at all. As she finally took form you could see the hatred in her eyes. "(Y/N) my dear!" She yelled.

The Deliberator then summoned a black sword. She then swung the sword.

The sword made contact with one of the Romps. The Romp was turned into nothing! It just vaporized into particles. She then started to kill more. Stabbing one in the chest and another in the forehead. One by one they all died.

She finally turned towards the Star. She grabbed it with a telekinetic force and slammed it into the ground. The Star was shattered into multiple pieces. You sat there dumbfounded.

"(Y/N) my dear! Are you alright?" She asked you. "Yeah... I'm fine." You said. The Deliberator was taller than you imagined. She stood around 7'00" ft. Is that how tall the other Employers were?

The Deliberator kneeled and picked you up. She carried you in a bridal-like carry. "Where are you taking me?" You asked. "Back to the beginning of this horrid dream." She said. "Wait... what kind of dream is this? Did you put me here?" You asked.

"Oh goodness no! I would have never done that dear! Not to you." She said. She walked over the carnage you caused. "This is a dream between The Nowhere and Nevada itself." She said.

As she continued to walk over the corpses she looked at them. "My, you have made quite a mess!" She said. She finally made it into the room where it all started. "You will wake up soon dear." She said.

"Remember this. Break ties with The Machine to access the Nowhere. That is all I can say sadly." She said. Before you could say anything she put a finger on your lip.

"You are going to wake up soon. Stay safe my dear!" She said.

You jolted awake to see the red sun piercing through the window.
Merry Christmas! Here's a chapter based on the obscure "ROMP.FLA" animation. I wanted to incorporate those weird little guys into this story.

Madness Combat x Child! Reader (The Horrors of Nevada)Where stories live. Discover now