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Hyunsik threw a soft airplane toy at Taehyung's face when he looked away from him at his phone. It has been three hours since he told Jimin about his conversation with Y/N via text. He unlike any other person had no idea how to put that conversation in a language that anyone could make sense of.

'Let's get married' were the only words that were going through his mind until a soft airplane crashed with his face. He creased his forehead and dramatically turned his head to look at his son, to which he giggled "I don't think it was supposed to land here." He held the toy up, got on his knees and hands, and started crawling toward him, Hyunsik was now laughing at his dad's acting and it only became strong when Taehyung suddenly jumped at the little boy and started tickling him lightly.

The door of Taehyung's room opened with a thud and Jimin entered, scaring the little guy under his father. Taehyung's head also jerked in the same direction where the door was, he absolutely hates it when Jimin does something like this in front of his kids, especially Yejun and Hyunsik, they are just too young and get scared easily.

"What the hell Jimin," He growled cradling Hyunsik on his lap who was now crying because of the sudden loud noise. "Sorry," He murmured not being able to speak louder anymore knowing Taehyung will get mad.

After almost fifteen minutes of trying Hyunsik was back to playing with his toys and Jimin regained his confidence and said "She wants to marry you" he started "To get her parents off her back" to which Taehyung just nodded. 

"She crazy or you crazy," He asked "You have three children, and does she think marriage is some sort of game" he was doing everything at this point to keep himself from screaming "Well, she wasn't wrong" Taehyung spoke, "It will definitely stop my parents from finding another girl".

"Besides, it didn't look like she wanted to get married, and neither do I, what if the next girl my parents find wants more out of the marriage something I know I can't give and you know my mom, she will not stop until I do something but this is just not about me it is also about the kids what if under pressure I marry a wrong girl and she hurts my children when I am not around you know and I never get to know but that can happen this time as well like if what Y/N said is completely a lie then I have ruined my children's lives, so I think before doing anything I should ask all of my children" Jimin listened to it as if he understood everything Taehyung just said when in reality everything went over his head but he did understand something and that was Y/N did not want to get married and he should ask the kids.

There was a heavy silence between Taehyung and Jimin, both of them looking at one another trying to figure out what to say next. "I love you" was the only thing Jimin could say that made both him and Taehyung burst into laughter, which made Hyunsik laugh as well. "What do I do?" Taehyung almost cried while laughing. 

It's been two hours since Jimin came over and had been telling him how he should not fall for anything anyone says and should make a decision that is best for both him and his kids "What if they meet?" Taehyung questioned "Huh" Jimin was totally shocked "I don't think that's a great idea, besides what are you going to say, get with my children and I will marry you" He made a weird face "What in the k drama is going in your head" 

"Well, it's not a bad idea" Taehyung replied and pulled out his phone and started to look for Y/N's number that his mother gave but before he could call Jimin pulled the phone out of his hand. "You can't just call her, It's past midnight" 

Taehyung lay down on his back, Hyunsik was sleeping in the middle of the bed and Jimin was on the opposite side. "I should put him in a crib," he said but never picked him up just stayed where he was until he finally fell asleep after a long day of work and being a single dad.

---------------- TIME SKIP ----------------------------------------------------

Taehyung woke up next day with a major back ache and a crying baby with a screaming little girl, a frantic bestfriend and a little mature boy who is trying to handle the crying baby. "Why is Hyunii crying crying" Yejun cried to her uncle Jimin who had no idea on how to handle kids and on the other hand Changmin is very calm and is holding his baby brother.

"I think he is hungry" says Changmin, he got up and was now walking out of the room. "Wait" Taehyung spoke grabbing everyone's attention in the room "Give him to me and get his food prepared, He needs to change as well" 

Before Taehyung could take his son, Yejun jumped on him "Good morning dada." Taehyung quickly gave her a hug and set her aside to take Hyunsik in his arms "Let's put Hyunii in some warm water while Changmin brings his milk" He faced his daughter "He needs to clean up as well" 

All of them went to do their thing leaving Jimin being clueless about their normal morning routines. It took them almost an hour and all of them were now at the breakfast table with Taehyung sitting at the head of the table and Jimin on the right side of him and Hyunsik on a baby seat next him. Changmin was feeding or trying to make his little sister eat who was throwing a tantrum. 

Before eating he decided to call Y/N but she never picked up "Why is she not picking up her phone?" he whispered to himself, to him this conversation was very important to him and he knows he will forget it once he get busy with work. he decided to call her later in the day and if they still don't get the chance to talk then he will call his mother and get them to meet again and this time without the family.

"So what are you gonna do?" Jimin questioned "I called her, she didn't pick up" He said without thinking "Why would you call Eun-so without talking with your father" Jimin looked at him with a questioning face.

"Eun-so?" Taehyung was now as confused as Jimin "Eun-so, Cha enterprises, they wanna start working with us and they sent the details of what they want which I told you about over breakfast and I sent the details of the work an your phone, what have you been doing from past 20 mins"

"Oh Nothing" He said innocently with big eyes. "Appa are we getting a new mommy?" Yejun surprised both Jimin and Taehyung with her sudden question. Both of their heads jerked in her direction, she had a phone in her hand and Changmin was next to her with a disappointed look on his face "Who said that?" Jimin asked.

"Grandma" she showed them the phone, Taehyung got up and took the phone from her hand and placed it on his ear "What is wrong with you mom, why would you say anything, are you out of your mind or what"

"I thought you told them" her voice was low but enough for him to hear "Well mother don't think too much" he walked out of the house so his children wouldn't her his conversation.

He has now called Y/N three times including the one in the morning with no one replying "I need to talk to Y/N and she is not picking up can you tell her parents to ask her to call me" he was still angry at his mother but that doesn't mean he would not talk to her about the matters at hand 

"We are going to have dinner her family, so if you want you can come with us, they are anyways dying to meet the kids" His mother's voice was excited as if he already accepted the proposal. "I'll talk to them and from next time don't talk to them about this"

"Okay Okay, come home we'll go together" with that she hung up the phone leaving him with two heart broken children. He went back inside to talk to them but the first thing he heard was "I don't want a new mommy, I only want my mommy" with this he knew what his answer was, and what he has to say to his parents.

I really have no idea how to write Taehyung's POVs, so it will be trashy and cringe worthy if it doesn't have Y/N in it. I hope you find it in your heart and bear it with me

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