Ch. 3

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Ch. 3 // Dacre

Fuck she's cute.

Today Deja's ombre black and honey brown braids are styled into a low bun with a side swoop thing. However she styles her braids, always looks good on her, but this is my favorite style. It's so classy, cute, and sexy. Just like her. She's wearing a ruby red tank top with ruffles at the end and dark blue jeans. Her outfit is simple but the way the red pops against her deep rosy brown skin and the way her clothes fit and hug her body is captivating.

It's been 2 weeks since school started and sitting next to Deja is a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because I like her. She's my crush and because we sit next to each other, we talk and work together. But it's also a curse because she's a distraction. I don't want to work. I don't want to listen to lectures. I want to talk and I want to admire her beauty. And each second I'm with her, my desire for her only grows stronger.

I look over at Deja who's placing her laptop into her backpack. I had the chance to sit next to her in Calc last semester, but I was too nervous. Well, except for the one time lent me her pen. When I saw her name on our group roster, I knew this was my chance to get to know her. From Calc and freshman composition, I knew she had a habit of getting to class early. So on the first day, it was a struggle, but I got up early, got ready, and headed to class. To be honest, I still can't believe I actually had the guts to sit next to her.

"I can't believe midterm 1 is next week," She groans as she zips her backpack.

"I know," I respond, lifting my backpack on my shoulders, "and there is so much to remember."

"I don't even know how or what to study," she says as we head out of the class. We have this class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Since we live next to each other, we've started walking back home together on days we don't have other plans. Every single time we walk side by side, I swear I have a mini heart attack. My heart races and my palms sweat. It feels like a dream.

"We should study together," the words fall out of my mouth.


"I mean, I- Uh," I fumble over my words. Obviously, I want to study with her because I want to spend more time with her, but what if she thinks I'm weird for asking? I know I like her, but does she like me? I don't know the answer to that. We aren't even really close friends yet and I don't want to hurt the little relationship I have with her.

"Sure," Deja says as she plays with one of her braids, "I think it'd be helpful."

"Cool, cool, cool," I play it off as if I don't feel like I've just died and gone to heaven.

"Since we live next to each other, I don't think it's necessary to reserve a room at the library. We could study at one of our places. "

"Yeah, plus that way we don't have to carry all of our stuff across campus."

"Exactly!" There's a moment of silence between us, "do you want to study at my place? Kiara is gonna be at her girlfriend's this weekend."

Immediately I begin choking on my spit, as I comprehend her words. Me and Deja at her place all alone. It's all innocent. I mean it's supposed to be. We're just going to study, nothing else.

I wouldn't mind if it turned into something

"Are you ok?" She asks, concern riddled on her face.

Shit, I don't want her to think I'm revolted by her offer.

"Here," she says, her pink and blue water bottle in her hand. I grab the bottle and take a swig, trying to ignore the fact that it's her water bottle and her lips have been on it.

"Thanks," I hand back the water bottle, "also, I'm done with your place."

Her concerned frown is replaced by a growing smile, "awesome! I usually don't study on Fridays, so do you want to come over tomorrow around 3 PM?" Her question was simple and innocent, but for whatever reason, it lits a fire within me

"Sounds perfect."

~ Next Day ~

"I had no idea Deja Walker was the girl you liked," Jay says as I exit my room. He's laying across our sofa, a dark brown leather sectional we got on Facebook Marketplace. We had to drive 3 hours to get it, but it's worth the price. The previous owners barely even used it. It was virtually brand new.

"But I told you," I mutter, walking into our kitchen.

"I went to school with like 5 Dejas."

"Oh," I respond as I open up the fridge. To my surprise the fridge is bare. I grab the remaining bread, egg, apple, butter, and milk. I guess I'm eating toast and eggs this morning.

"Deja Walker's cute," Jay says, "round face, round lips, and a nice round bubble butt."

I look over my shoulder and give him a pointed look. He's not wrong about her butt, but we're talking about Deja. It's different when we're talking about a crush.

Jay defensively raises his hands, "I know, I know, you like Deja, but you know I'm not wrong. And as an ass man, I have to acknowledge and appreciate nice asses."

"Appreciate other asses, Deja Walker is off limits," I warn as I crack my eggs into a bowl. A piece of the shell fell on top of the yolk so I try picking it off even though I hate the feeling of raw eggs.

"I don't even remember what it looks like anymore."

"That's what I like to hear." I finally pick out the shell, then I add some salt, pepper, and paprika to the bowl.

"By the way," I start off as I put my beaten eggs into the hot pan. Granted we only made the plans yesterday, I haven't told Jay about my study plans with Deja. "I'm going over to Deja's place to study."

"Her place? You're studying together?"

I nod in response as I place 2 slices of toast in the toaster.

"When did you two get that close?"

"We have a class together and we work together, so we've been getting close. Also, we've started walking back home together from that class."

"And you haven't told me?"

"I'm my defense, I haven't seen you much, since you spend a lot of time at Maxine's nowadays," I tell him as I slather strawberry jam on my toasted bread. Once the bread is covered in bright red jam, I place it on my plate with my scrambled eggs.

"I have been at Maxine's lately," he admits.

"Like last night," I say as I grab my plate and an apple and head toward Jay.

Maxine is a Trinidadian international student. She and Jay met each other in one of their classes. The only way to describe their relationship is confusing. They aren't dating, but they go on dates. They're friendly but, they're more than friends. Actually, I think they are just fuck buddies, but Jay says their relationship is more than that. I don't know what to make of it, but all I know is that they really like each other and are afraid of the next step.

"Shit, did you make some for me?" Jay asks me as I sit down.

"You wish."

He tries grabbing a slice of my jam-covered toast, but I quickly move the plate away, "just a piece, you know I love strawberry jam."

"Go make your own food," Jay tries giving me his, in his words, "famous" puppy dog eyes. I'm pretty much immune to the power of those eyes

"Fine," he groans, "I guess you're going to need all the energy you can get because you're going over to Deja's."

"Yeah, to study."


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