Ch. 8

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Ch. 8 // Deja

It's finally the night of the Halloween party. After weeks of arguments, we agreed on dressing up as Sam, Clover, and Alex from Totally Spies! Our second option was going as the Winx fairies, but we would be freezing our asses off in shorts and mini skirts. Chrissy is obviously Sam because of her red hair. Kiara is Alex because golden yellow looks good on her. I'm Clover because red looks good on me.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Kiara exclaims as she flat irons her short black bob. Kiara is surprisingly good at laying a wig. I'm not even entirely sure when and where she learned how to, but when she wears a lace front, it literally looks like it's coming out of her scalp.

"I know right!" I respond as I top off my lips with sparkly gloss. I take a step back and look at myself in the full-length mirror. Kiara ordered all of our leotards on Etsy and they exceeded my expectations by a lot. I can't believe how detailed and high quality there is. Plus it fits like a glove.

As I'm checking myself out, there are a couple of knocks at the front door. I also it's Chrissy, so I rush out of the bathroom and head to the door. Through the peephole, I see Chrissy standing in her green leopard with a clear glass bottle in hand. Jay and Dacre are behind her in Mario and Luigi costumes.

"I brought the boys and the tequila," Chrissy sings as they flow into our unit.

"Mario?" I ask Dacre as I shut and lock the door.

Dacre lingers beside me and smirks, "Superhero girl?"

"Um, I'm Clover from Totally Spies, get it right," I say with sass. But then I look at his face and I can't help but laugh. Even if it's fake, I can't take anyone seriously with a mustache like that.

"What's funny?"

"Your mustache is giving 80's pornstar," I grab his arm to pull myself up as I wipe away tears, "like your name is Hard Rod or something."

Dacre chuckles and adjusts his chunky mustache, "I mean, they were plumbers."

"Then give me your best plumber pickup line." The words roll out of my mouth before I can even process the sentence.

"Damn," he scrunches his face, but there's a smile on his face, "putting me in the spotlight."

"Then I'll go first," I look down at his waist before dragging my gaze back to his eyes, "Are you happy to see me or are those pipes in your pants."

Something flickers in his eyes, as raises an eyebrow and presses his lips together. He leans in towards me, and in a slightly husky tone he says, "I might be a plumber, but I wouldn't mind if you got down and accessed my pipes."

Something in my stomach stirs, as his eyes drop to my lips. I can feel my face warm up and my eyes widen. Suddenly an ahem sound from Chrissy grabs my attention. I'm hyper-aware of our proximity, so I quickly take a step away from Dacre and put all my attention on Chrissy.

"Shots?" Chrissy asks us, a sly smile growing on her face as her eyes dart between us. She seems curious but doesn't say anything else, instead, she gently lifts the tray of colorful shot glasses she's holding.

"Sure," Dacre says as he grabs his glasses. I do the same, and before we down the shot and chaser, we clink our blue glasses together.

"Fucking tequila," I shudder as I place my glasses on the tray.


I finally find Dacre dancing on top of a table with some other guys. Did I mention he's surrounded by a group of girls and a couple of guys? He also seemed to have lost his shirt, leaving him in jeans and suspenders which is just incredibly sexy. Who would have thought? I stand behind the crowd for a moment and watch as he slowly grinds his hips to the music. As I'm wishing we were dancing together, we lock eyes and a big dimpled smile grows on his face. Then he stops dancing and hops off the table.

"Deja!" He shouts and ecstatically waves at me as he pushes through the small crowd. As he nears me, my eyes travel to my new favorite part of his body, his softly defined v-line. It's the hottest part of his torso and I decided that last week when we went to the gym together. I can just imagine myself running my hands over them; just following them down to where they end.

"Hey Dacre, what happened to your shirt?" I ask, pointing to his naked torso. Dacre shrugs and runs his hand through his hair. As he does, his arm muscles flex a little, and I try not to notice how my chest tightens.

"I got hot and took it off," his eyes dart around the room, "but I have no idea where it is now."

"Aww, that sucks."

Dacre shrugs again, "I'm still a plumber but I guess I strip on the side now. The plumbing job wasn't cutting it."

I burst out laughing at his comment and grab into his shoulder, "Boy, don't make me laugh."

"I can't help it, I Iike hearing you laugh," he admits with a growing smile, "it's cute."

He keeps saying stuff like that. That something about me is cute or that I'm pretty. I like when he compliments me, but I don't know what to make of it. Is he just being nice, is he flirting? I don't know.

"You're too nice," I say, nudging his shoulder, "anyways, I heard someone's having a Halloween movie night a couple of doors down and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

"I'm down," he says.

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