Ch. 12

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Ch. 12 // Dacre's POV

*Thanksgiving day*

"Damn, that was some bomb ass food," I tell Jay as we head outside. We're going to a local park for a kickback that Kiara, Deja, and Jay throw with their cousins every Thanksgiving after the meal. At home, my cousins and I do something similar after dinner, just to get away from the adults.

"Shit, I know right," Jay agrees as he rubs his stomach, "I'm glad you enjoyed Thanksgiving with me, but have you heard from your people?"

"Yeah," I say, thinking back to our FaceTime from earlier in the day, "they miss me and I miss them, but we'll be seeing each other in like 3 weeks."

"Right, it's almost the end of the semester."

"Exactly, so I'll see all of them real-."

"Boo!" A voice shouts from behind me and I feel their hands on my shoulder. I don't need to turn around, I already know it's Deja.

"I know it's you, Deja," I tease as I look back at her. There's a big, bright smile on her face as usual. The first thing I notice is her hair. On our trip here, she was talking about taking out her braids and getting a silk press. The second thing I notice is her outfit, a dark brown sweater dress that hugs her frame and some black tights underneath.  So simple and classy yet sexy. I can only imagine what her ass looks like in this dress.

"I just wanted to see if I could scare you," she whispers near my ear which, sends a familiar warmth down my body.

"Did you grow taller or what?"

"I'm wearing a boot with a heel, asshole. Also, I'm not that short." She says as she punches my shoulder.

"Are you? Cause I can't see your boots through the clouds up here."

"I'm not that short," She rolls her eyes, but her lips betray her, and lets out a chuckle. Deja then takes a couple of steps forward to show off her boots. And now I know what she looks like from the back.


"Very, they look nice and your look nice," I say as she makes her way back beside me and I wrap my arms around her shoulder.

"So if you guys can remember, I'm here too," Jay interjects.

"Damn, I forgot about you," I joke. There's a smirk on his face and he sticks out his first for a fist bump.

"Deja, where's Kiara and Nia?" Jay continues.

"They're already at the park..."

"Oh shit," Jay whispers.

"Yeah, Nia left like 10 minutes ago and I had no idea Kiara was already at the park. But a couple of people are there too, so they aren't alone."

"So, they can't be left alone or something?" I ask. Deja and Jay whip their heads around as if I asked a blasphemous question, "What?"

"Kiara and Nia do not get along at all. They should not be left alone together." Jay warns me.

"Yeah, last time they fought because Nia's baby daddy, Victor, is Kiara's ex and Nia had the audacity to talk shit," Deja adds. I was not expecting that. Kiara was so chill and laid back, she didn't seem like the type to fight. Then again, Nia got with her ex. "Basically Kiara and Victor dated in 11th grade. They broke up, then he started dating Nia. I'm pretty sure he cheated on Kiara with Nia, but neither of them ever confirmed or denied."

"Damn, isn't Nia's your cousin."

"Yeah, I love Nia but our relationship isn't like it used to be. She's the type of girl that steals taken guys. It doesn't matter if it's a crush, a fling, or a boyfriend. If ol girl likes your man, she finds a way to make him hers."

What the actual fuck

"Even you?"

Deja softly nods, "I've never actually been in a relationship, but managed to be with every crush I've told her about."


Deja's cousin, Mia, or whatever is annoying as hell. Everywhere I go, she manages to pop up. If I'm just chilling at the bonfire, she pops up. If I'm trying to talk to someone, she pops up. She's like a fucking virus on my phone. Ridiculous.

"Jay, help me please," I beg. Jay, who's sitting next to the cooler, looks up at me before bursting out in laughter. So I guess he's been watching the cat and mouse game and Mia has been playing.

"Fuck you, why does my pain bring you joy," I dramatically lament, but he doesn't stop laughing instead he points to something behind me and I make the mistake of looking.

Strutting towards me in a cream sweater dress like Deja's is Mia. Mia has fucking found me again. What the actual fuck.

"Hey Dacre," she has that weird seductive smile on her face again.

"Look Mia—" I start as I pull her to the side so our conversation is a little more private.

"It's Nia," she corrects me like I give a fuck.

"Ok Nia, please leave me alone."

The smile on her face drops and she seems taken back and a bit confused, "leave you alone?"

"Yes, do you understand that?"

Nia rolls her eyes, "Of course I do. I'm not stupid."

"Then go. Like right now." But she doesn't move. She just stands there and looks at me.

"But why," she places a hand on my shoulder and takes a step forward, "I thought you and I could—"

"Nope," I say as I take a step away from her, "Whatever you thought was going to happen between us, is not and will not happen."

"Did Deja tell you something? Maybe that Kiara?" She asks, her voice lagged with disgust, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, no, and no. I just—"

"You like Deja, don't you? Our moms are identical twins so we look like sisters," so that explains why they look so similar. They may look similar but are completely different personality-wise.

"I'm just thicker and I know more," She steps closer to me and I step back.

"What the actual fuck," I mutter under my breath. Deja and Jay were right. If she suspects I like Deja, why is she coming on to me? Why isn't she telling Deja?

"Forget Deja, I like you too. And I promise you, you don't want to fuck around with a lil girl like Deja. She just gonna waste your time."

"M-Nia, stay the fuck away from me." I don't wait for her to respond, I just get the fuck away from her.

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