18. Murderer

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Memories come back as I walk through the door of this wicked place again. I walk straight towards the office. Absolutely no one is in here but me and Cardo.

As I'm going through Sarah's draws I find little trinkets of my father's. His wallet, his chain I got him for father's day one year. Then I saw pictures under all this. I look at Cardo.

"That's his stuff?"

"Yeah, put it in your pockets."

He complied reluctantly. I looked at the pictures and at first there was nothing wrong with them. Then I saw pictures of the car crash that killed my mother. I saw pictures of her body on a metal table. Pictures of me and her. The sickest pictures in this pile were the one's of my dad and my mom. My mom's face had been scratched out in all of them. I looked at Cardo again.

He looked just as shocked then he fell to the ground. Sarah was standing behind him holding a knife. I dropped the pictures and looked in her glossy eyes. She just stabbed her own nephew. I wanted to help him but I knew she would probably do the same to me if I didn't comply.

I wasn't about to become her little bitch though. Cardo grunted and coughed on the ground as we stood frozen.

"You killed my mommy."

"Her death was an accident. Your father's death was also a accident." She smiled happily.

I covered my mouth to stop the cry from coming out. I wanted to stab this bitch.

"How could you?" I ask.

"All I wanted was a family. You guys were supposed to be my brand new family. Our daughter was supposed to be the endless bond between me and your dad. I've seen a man look at me and be in love and your dad did not look at me that way."

"So you killed him?"

"I had to. He found out about all this. He was going to call the cops. I had to protect my kingdom. That's why I set the house on fire. That's why I shot you and him. I needed to cover my tracks." She explained.

"I trusted you." I cried to her. Cardo still grunted with pain. In that moment I threw a pair of sharp scissors in Sarah's direction and watched as they landed in her neck. As soon as I had done it I wished I hadn't. She fell to the ground screaming. I ran to her and held her hand as I took the scissors out. Blood squirted on the back wall and her eyes started to get faint.

"I'm so sorry." I pleaded. Now I had to get my sister out. I called a doctor's phone number and they got there before Sarah bled out.

"I can save the baby but not her." He told me quickly. I nodded and went back over to Cardo. His skinny body had gone rigid as he shook with pain. I held his hand and kissed his lips a thousand times.

"You please stay with me." I begged him. I heard cries then and I wished none of this had happened. I saw an alternate ending and wanted it desperately. This was not how it was supposed to be.


I was about to step through the open door when someone grabbed my waist. I was about to scream but I immediately knew who it was when he kissed my cheek. As we walked in I turned to him and said, "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry baby." he said picking me up and walking further in the apartment while pushing me up against the wall. "You not mad are you?" He breathed in my ear. I shivered and shook my head no.

He proceeded to kiss me and reached his hands up my shirt. He let me down rubbing over my breasts. I broke away from him as his lips connected with my neck on 'that' spot. I moaned as he began to suck on it. His fingers pulled my bra below my breasts and he teased my nipples. "Cardo..stahp." I breathed running my fingers through his hair.

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