The Tapes

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"Do we really have to do this, Master?" Zett Jukassa, Anakin's new padawan asks as he and Anakin took the elevator to the Council chambers.

The knight rolls her eyes at her padawan "If what the tapes claims are true, then the council needs to see this, this is the best shot we have at ending this war as fast as we can." she tells him as they step out of the elevator and step into the chambers

"Young Skywalker, Padawan Jukassa. Pleased to see you we are." Yoda greets the duo, as they bow to him and Anakin spots some familiar faces. There was Obi-Wan and his new padawan Whie Malreaux, her (Secret) wife Padme, Rex, Luminara Unduli and Depa Bilaba with her padawan Caleb Dume along with the rest of the council

"Something to tell us, do you?" Yoda asks as Anakin clears her throat "I have found a box of holodisks but there is something off about it."

"Enlighten us, would you?" Mace Windu asks from his chair

"When I first opened the box, I felt a shift in the force." Anakin says

"Come again?" Shaak Ti asks

"I felt something through these tapes, and when I examined them I found ones called A new hope for the galaxy."

"I feel it to." Obi-Wan says

"It's like it's urging whoever holds the box to view it's contents." Mace Windu says

"I sense a dark shadow look within the tapes, as if something is wrong with the future as we speak

"If the force wants us to view the contents, viewing them is a good idea." Plo Koon says before inviting the none Jedi in the room to watch the movies with them

Moments later the group were either on the chairs or sitting on the floor as the first tape started

Movies they will watch

New Hope

Empire Strikes Back

Phantom Menace

Attack of the Clones

Revenge of the Sith

Return of the Jedi

Force Awakens

Last Jedi

Rise of Skywalker

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