New Hope-3

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Apologies for this being almost three months late, in the last three months I lost my job, my grandfather had surgery, my area has had ten tornadoes within 10 miles of my house, and my greatuncle is in the hospital and they don't think he has much time left

The garage is cluttered and worn, but a friendly peacefulatmosphere permeates the low grey chamber. Threepio lowershimself into a large tub filled with warm oil. Near thebattered Landspeeder little Artoo rests on a large batterywith a cord to his face.

 THREEPIOThank the maker! This oil bath isgoing to feel so good. I've got sucha bad case of dust contamination, Ican barely move!

 Artoo beeps a muffled reply. Luke seems to be lost in thoughtas he runs his hand over the damaged fin of a small two-manSkyhopper spaceship resting in a low hangar off the garage.Finally Luke's frustrations get the better of him and heslams a wrench across the workbench. 

LUKEIt just isn't fair. Oh, Biggs isright. I'm never gonna get out ofhere! 

Padme raised an eyebrow, being reminded of her wife the way Luke was whining

THREEPIOIs there anything I might do tohelp? 

Luke glances at the battered robot. A bit of his anger drainsand a tiny smile creeps across his face. 

LUKEWell, not unless you can alter time,speed up the harvest, or teleport meoff this rock! 

THREEPIOI don't think so, sir. I'm only adroid and not very knowledgeableabout such things. Not on thisplanet, anyways. As a matter offact, I'm not even sure which planetI'm on.

"3P0 you use to live there!"  Anakin yells 

LUKEWell, if there's a bright center tothe universe, you're on the planetthat it's farthest from.THREEPIOI see, sir. 

LUKEUh, you can call me Luke.

THREEPIOI see, sir Luke. 

LUKE(laughing)Just Luke. 

THREEPIOAnd I am See-Threepio, human-cyborgrelations, and this is mycounterpart, Artoo-Detoo. 

LUKEHello.Artoo beeps in response. Luke unplugs Artoo and begins toscrape several connectors on the robot's head with a chromepick. Threepio climbs out of the oil tub and begins wipingoil from his bronze body. 

LUKE (CONT'D)You got a lot of carbon scoringhere. It looks like you boys have seen a lot of action. 

THREEPIOWith all we've been through,sometimes I'm amazed we're in asgood condition as we are, what withthe Rebellion and all.LUKEYou know of the Rebellion againstthe Empire? 

THREEPIOThat's how we came to be in yourservice, if you take my meaning,sir. 

LUKEHave you been in many battles?

 THREEPIOSeveral, I think. Actually, there'snot much to tell. I'm not much morethan an interpreter, and not verygood at telling stories. Well, notat making them interesting, anyways.Luke struggles to remove a small metal fragment from Artoo'sneck joint. He uses a larger pick. 

LUKEWell, my little friend, you've gotsomething jammed in here real good.Were you on a cruiser or...

 The fragment breaks loose with a snap, sending Luke tumblinghead over heels. He sits up and sees a twelve-inch threedimensional hologram of Leia Organa, the Rebel senator, beingprojected from the face of little Artoo. The image is arainbow of colors as it flickers and jiggles in the dimly litgarage. Luke's mouth hangs open in awe.

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