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"" indicates a person is speaking Malaysian

“„ Indicates a person is speaking Japanese

() Indicates a person is Thinking.

[] Indicates one of the elements is speaking from the watch or BoBoiBoy head.

Dimension: BoBoiBoy Galaxy

Setting: Tok Aba's House In Pulau Rintis

BoBoiBoy sighed in boredom staring at the ceiling.

" I'm so bored!! Why can't anything exciting happen today! " He yelled out loud hoping his brothers would have an idea.

" Ori I'm sure something exciting will happen today! " Taufan said staring at his older brother.

" Yeah well it's taking selamanya~ " BoBoiBoy answered with a pout. " Ori. How about we all go out and do something together " Halilintar suggested, causing BoBoiBoy to smile widely and jump off his bed.

" That sounds Awesome! Let's go come on come on!! " BoBoiBoy yelled running downstairs. Gempa Chuckled at the boys reaction to the idea. " HEY ARE YOU GUYS COMING!? " BoBoiBoy asked from downstairs.

The elements then ran downstairs to enjoy a day with their owner.

Few Hours Later.

Dimension: My Boku No Hero Academia

UA High School

Class: 1-A

As Deku sat down at his desk, one of his friends had walked over, Uraraka. “ Hey Deku! „ She called. Deku waved before pulling out a note book. “ Did you hear? Aizawa Sensei might be telling us about a trip today! „ Uraraka said excitedly.

Deku smiled. “ Really? I wonder where? Will we meet others? I wonder what their quirks will be... „ Deku muttered. “ Urm- Deku? Your doing it again. „ Uraraka called out.

Erk! Sorry Uraraka-San! „ Deku apologized. Suddenly the door opened. everyone immediately rushed to their seats as Aizawa stepped in. Of course, dragging his yellow cocoon with him.

Today, we are going on a trip „ Aizawa said blankly. "
“ YEAHHH! „ Denki shouted jumping on top of his desk. He was immediately pulled down by Iida and sent a glare from Aizawa.

“ We are going to space. In a few minutes, meaning class is dismissed for you all to go and pack. „ He said blankly once again. “ But Aizawa-Sensei!how will we breathe!? „ Denki asked in confusion. Aizawa sighed. “ TAPOPS Station will take care of that. „ He said, “ THE TAPOPS STATION!? ISN'T THAT WHERE SPACE HERO'S ARE!? Deku whisper-yelled.

Tchh Shut up Deku!„ Bakuhoe yelled angrily. Aizawa then walked out of the classroom as 1-A began to run outside behind him.

Dimension: BoBoiBoy Galaxy

Tapops Station

Inside the control room was the Kokotiam gang doing the Tapops Salute waiting for Commander Kokochi to explain why they were called in the middle of their week off. Gopal, BoBoiBoy and Fang were even still dressed in his Pajamas.

" We've invited people from another dimension to visit Tapops. " Kokochi explained. And boy did Solar almost faint. At least he only spit out his coffee.

" They are going to be here in a few minutes. so your mission is.. TO GET READY!!!!!!!! " Admiral Tarung yelled. The gang flinched and ran. But BoBoiBoy, Gopal, and Fang ran faster than Ying. I mean- you can't wear pajamas in front of them! That's so embarrassing.

Minutes Later

The three boys had finished getting dressed in 2 minutes. They wanted to look good, it's very impolite to wear your pajamas in front of guests!

They put on their normal clothes and stepped out of their rooms, Just as the guests had arrived. The boys had got a call from Yaya. Letting them know that the Guests were here.

BoBoiBoy could hear Solar mentally freaking out inside of his bedroom.

How would People from another dimension get here!? How is that even possible!? they can be dangerous!?  We're the questions running through Solar's mind.

BoBoiBoy sent Solar a message. Telling him to relax. Which did the trick. When he stepped into to the room the guests were in, he heard yelling.


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