Archbridge High

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Chapter 1.

Kim shivered in the wet grass and eyed the large building before him. The old church had been renovated and was now an institution for orphaned shifters who couldn't, or wouldn't, fit into society. Some were enrolled by force, others from sheer desperation. Kim was in the latter category.

He tucked his tail tighter around his stomach, flinching at the resulting pain, and rubbed his paws over his face to clear the water from his eyes.

He didn't want to enter those tall, ominous gates. As a squirrel he was at the bottom of the food chain. Prey. A building full of aggressive and unstable shifters was one of the last places he wanted to be.

But what waited for him at home was worse. His mother was an addict and her boyfriend was an abusive dealer.

To make matters worse his new stepdad hated shifters - and when the man had snuck into Kim's room the previous night, and touched him, the fear had triggered the boy's first shift.

The resulting chaos had nearly killed him and the base of his tail still ached from the reminder of a hard grip.

Kim heard a smattering of laughter, followed by the sound of running steps and ducked back into the bushes.

His heart pounded when he spotted two teenagers kicking a ball around the wet field - fluid movements a sure sign of their shifter heritage.

A dark haired boy, with a long braid, shoved his shoulder violently into a larger boy and seized the ball, whooping in triumph.

The tall boy had a thick head of shaggy blonde hair and he released a rumbling grow, that had the squirrel's limbs twitching.

Kim decided to keep moving. This wasn't safe.

Suddenly the blonde pounced, muscles rippling, as he reached for his opponent.

The brunette snarled and kicked the ball hard, aiming it straight for the squirrel's hiding place.

Kim released a squeak of terror and tore through the shrubs, as the ball crashed into the branches above him.

Feline snarls approached fast and a hand caught his injured tail. He squealed in pain.

"What's this?" A second hand wrapped around his middle and Kim was lifted into the air. The world spun sickeningly, but he managed to focus on a pair of bright green eyes.

"Aw, look Mikkel, this little guy is barely hanging in there! Isn't he the cutest?" The green eyed boy laughed, showing large canines.

Kim heard a muffled grumble from the blonde boy and shivered pathetically.

"What's your name, red?" Kim's chitter was cut off by a hard shake. "Can't you talk in your animal form? Or are you just rude to friendly strangers?" Those sharp fangs flashed again and the boy laughed at Kim's tremble.

"Silas!" A young voice barked and the green eyed boy, Silas presumably, groaned.

"Ugh! Does he have eyes everywhere?" Silas looked back at his large, silent companion who shrugged.

"Silas! Mikkel! Get out here now!" The voice barked and both boys set through the bushes - Kim dangling absently from a fist, like a rag doll.

The blonde swept the branches aside and revealed a slender boy on the grassy lawn. His skin was bone white, with the slightest flush of anger in his cheeks and silver hair fell in waves to his shoulders. His large grey eyes were fixed icily on the taller boys who visibly hunched beneath the weight of his stare.

"You were supposed to clean the lunch halls an hour ago. Get to Katherine's office now!" The stranger snapped.

The tanned boy scowled and his fingers tightened around Kim's belly, making him squeak.

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