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Chapter 3.

Cassius stepped down the corridor with a light bounce in his step. He didn't seem affected by the headboy's scolding or the abrupt change to his plans - simply humming a pleasant tune and absently petting the squirrel's back. They passed several blue doors before the blonde opened one with a gold burrow on the front.

"This is me." He told Kim and aimed straight for an enormous wooden bunk-bed with moss-green curtains.

Cassius moved at a dizzying speed and Kim struggled to take in his surroundings. There was a photo collage covering an entire wall, several potted plants, a treadmill, a mini fridge and another cove carved into the corner.

The blonde jumped lightly up the ladder to the second bunk and pushed past the curtains. The elevated height, combined with the darkness, immediately set Kim at ease.

Cassius grinned at him.

"I thought you might enjoy that." He stretched out on the bed and folded his arm around the squirrel, arranging him until their faces were level.

"Ok. Transformation." Cassius said promptly and ran his slender fingers down Kim's spine. "Your body already knows how. Your mind just needs to be told. Close your eyes."

The squirrel twitched with sudden unease. His eyes were vital; placed high on his head to allow focal and peripheral vision without turning. Closing them felt extremely vulnerable. Cassius watched him closely and grinned.

The boy's pert nose suddenly flattened and his arms seemed to push into his body. Kim squealed in horror and clawed at the curtain behind him, but it was sealed in place. Heart galloping he turned for the opposite side and froze at the sight of a blonde rabbit with long, drooping ears.

"Sorry, honey. I should have warned you." Cassius' voice spoke from somewhere inside his head and Kim nearly jumped out of his skin.

He panted as the rabbit slowly moved closer and pressed its plush side against him. Cassius' fur was unbelievably soft and warmth radiated from his skin.

The rabbit turned to blink at him with those gentle eyes, pressed its head against the squirrel's neck and produced a soft purr - a sound that was somewhere between a light clicking of teeth and the whir of a fan.

Gradually Kim's tight muscles eased and he pressed into that silky warmth. Cassius gently licked the squirrel's fur, still rumbling with that soothing purr.

Kim buried his nose in the blonde pelt, inhaling the sweet scents of grass and clean fur. He barely noticed his throat respond with a sound of its own.

A soft chuckle sounded in his mind.

"I didn't know squirrels could purr. That's a lovely sound."

Kim didn't know he could purr either and he wasn't sure about it being a lovely sound, but it felt good.

Cassius moved closer, folding around the squirrel until Kim was almost completely hidden in satiny fur. It was wonderful and the squirrel's eyes slid closed without thought.

"Do you want to talk to me, honey?" Cassius asked softly.

Kim stopped purring and chittered quietly. Cassius laughed warmly.

"Try speaking to me this way. Send me a thought."

The squirrel found himself smoothing his cheek against the rabbit's side, scent-marking, and thought hard about mangoes. It was lunchtime and he hadn't had breakfast.

"Try voicing the word in your mind. Spell it out and then push it towards me." Cassius explained patiently.

Kim rubbed his brow to ease an oncoming headache. Mango. Mangoes. M-A-N-G-O. MANGO.

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