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A/N: Hi lovely people,

This was written during a busy week, on late nights and public transport, so if it's a little all over the place, that's why 🧡

Chapter 13.

Four days later, Cassius finally coached Kim into the kitchen garden, in the early afternoon, when most students were still in class.

Kim clutched the blonde's hand like a child and followed the taller boy into the warm sunshine. He squinted and blinked dry eyes, he hadn't been sleeping well without Yas and his nerves were still raw and jittery.

"This is cabbage and these are chillies, cucumber." Cassius pointed out the plants as they passed the vegetable beds. Little insects buzzed around them and the blonde flicked a fly off his arm.

Cassius was still wearing his running shorts and he hadn't bothered to put on a t-shirt or shoes. His tan skin shone in the sun and his long lashes caught the light in a glint of gold. Kim had a hard time concentrating on anything he said.

"Here are the flower beds." Cassius bent suddenly to snap off a white flower and held it under Kim's nose. "Smell this."

Kim sniffed, inhaling pollen and a rich scent. He quickly turned his head to sneeze and smiled up at Cassius through watering eyes. "It's sweet."

Cassius grinned and brushed the flower down Kim's cheek. "Sugar snap peas. They're my mom's favorite." He tucked the flower behind the smaller boy's ear and led him into the greenhouse.

The air inside the glass walls was hot and damp, heavy with the scents of earth, herbs and citrus. Kim took a deep appreciative breath and his shoulders softened.

"I love it in here." Cassius rubbed a fuzzy leaf between his fingertips and lifted them to his nose. "Getting my hands in the dirt and helping things grow." He squeezed Kim's waist. "It grounds me. Literally."

"I like it too. I-it's very peaceful." Kim said shyly and leaned into Cassius' side. He kept his voice reverently quiet, as if he might disturb the plants.

Cassius smiled down at him and lowered his head, cupping Kim's chin with lemon scented fingers. Their lips brushed and Kim felt warmth curl through his belly. He slid his arms around the blonde's neck, letting his fingertips graze soft curls.

"Hi." A light knock sounded on the glass and Kim leapt back, looking around with wide eyes. Cassius lifted his head to glare at the entrance.

"What?" Kim jolted again at the ice in Cassius' voice and he stared shocked up at the blonde.

Jude winced and looked at the floor. He was wearing cream colored leggings and an oversized pale pink t-shirt. A green and blue bruise bloomed around his left eye and broken capillaries threaded over his cheekbone. "Sorry, Charles told me you'd be down here. I just wanted to apologise."

"To who?" Cassius produced a strange high pitched sound, somewhere between a grunt and a purr. It was distinctly hostile and Kim felt the hairs raise on the back of his neck. Jude frowned, thin fingers flexing on the edge of the door.

"To Kim." Jude said quietly.

"Go on, then." Cassius firmed his grip on the redhead's waist, either to steady him or to prevent him from running; Kim wasn't sure. A tremor was starting in his knees and his eyes darted around the greenhouse, looking for exits.

He didn't want to talk to Jude and he didn't like seeing the boy with the sharp voice and the cold eyes approach him with a lowered head. It felt wrong.

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