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"Sweetheart, could you come down, please?" The mother smiled once she realized what the owl had brought in.

It was no surprise Catherine would get the letter, but it was still exciting news to announce. With a hint of sadness her child would be leaving for almost the entire year, Angela was excited to see what a great witch her daughter would be.

"I'm knitting, mother! I can't get up!" Catherine yelled back.

Her mother rolled her eyes at having to go up the mountain of stairs, mumbling to herself about why she couldn't just float up instead. Not to mention the manor had many rooms with no clue in mind of which one her daughter was in.

She drifted up the steps down the corridor towards the child's half of the manor. Being an only child had its perks. Having many rooms for different things was something Angela herself grew up with, too, so she was more than happy to provide it for her precious sweetheart.

Angela found the room where Catherine was knitting. It was the hobby room where all her hyper-fixations lived. The child had her eyes glued on the fabric, making sure she was knitting the right way that she didn't notice her mother stepping into the room. She was a quick learner at anything she picked up. She made her mother a headband that she ended up wearing to the beach.

"I have something for you. You might already know what it is," she said excitedly, barely being able to control the excitement in her voice.

11-year-old Catherine set down her project with care but jumped off her chair with the wonder of what the letter could be.

"What is it mum! Is it the letter?"

Her mother nodded and the two girls jumped in excitement, embracing one another. They both became thrilled with the idea of shopping for new stuff. Angela decided to take the girl to Diagon Ally the very next day. Catherine couldn't control her excitement about attending Hogwarts whilst trying to go to bed. Then it seeped into worried thoughts.

Overthinking was a speciality the girl had. Fearing she wouldn't make friends or she'd disappoint her parents. She feared things everyone had feared before attending a new school. She fell asleep after sitting by the window, calming herself with the beauty of the moon.

They arrived at Diagon Ally with the idea of spending all the money they wanted on whatever it was Catherine needed. The pair met with The Malfoys at the leaky cauldron and continued from there.

The mothers gossiped about whatever they could, and Draco Malfoy couldn't help but stare at Catherine. It was no secret to anyone, even bystanders how much Draco adored Catherine. She was naturally beautiful and his mother always told him, they would most likely end up together. Given the status of both families and how good friends the families were. She always assured him that their time would come.

"What pet are you getting?" Draco looked over at her before looking back at the store's merchandise. His hand caressed the satchels he was admiring.

"Well, an owl. What kind of idiot would choose a cat? You're not even there half of the day." He snickered to himself.

She gave a small shrug and nod of agreement before also continuing to admire the satchels.

She wanted a cat, but he was right, so she reluctantly chose an owl. The shopping went well for both families. Both she and Draco got matching leather satchels with their initials engraved. C.B. His was a darker leather, nearly black, whilst hers was a delightful shade of brown. She also got so much jewellery; that she didn't even know which to pick for the first day.

𝑴𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒉 - 𝑨 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒄Where stories live. Discover now