Chapter One: Lost in A Daydream

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(( **deep inhale** D E E E E E E E E E E E Z N U T T T T S S S S ))


For as long as he could remember, GingerBrave found himself fantasizing about many things. Maybe it was his young brain trying to be creative, or perhaps it was his way of simply passing the time. Drifting away in sweet little thoughts of things that could be or would have been. All but distant memories or longed-for results of previous encounters.

As a child, he found himself in a constant dilemma. Teetering his way across a dreadfully thin line that he danced across every time he went anywhere with anyone and met new people.

He was just a youngster after all. One would think 'Why, what does such a young boy have to worry about that is so bad? Surely he has not lived long enough to struggle with some of life's greatest feats and challenges.)

To that, he would say- "I wish I didn't know half the things I know." Sure, he has only ever had that conversation in his own tumbling mind- but it was enough to keep him from making the mistake of saying something that everyone else didn't need to hear out loud. He didn't need more problems than he already had to deal with. Even at the tender age of 12- 13 soon enough, he has had to fight for his life more times than he could count.

Brave made enemies almost everywhere he went. More adults wanted him dead at some point than he could count on his two hands.

Shivering at the prospect of death, the white haired child shifted his gaze down, and looked to the grass under the bench he was sitting on. Everything around him felt cold after the thought of his life always being on the line.

Of course, the brave youngster had managed to whisper to himself every night for months and months that it was normal to have your life on the line- it didn't make it any less frightening sometimes.

Perhaps he should have gotten red flags already, after all- younger kids than himself had went to battle before. Regardless of their ages, or how powerful whatever powers they had were- it was still an obscure kind of wrong he couldn't place. If he had lived a normal life- perhaps he could place just how wrong it really was in hindsight.

"Are you daydreaming again, GingerBrave?" Strawberry Cookie placed her hand on GingerBrave's shoulder, looking down at him from where she stood off to the left. "You've been a bit distant, you know? It seems you're not really in the mood to talk."

By default, GingerBrave's face shifted into a small smile, before he laughed a bit. He didn't really feel humored, but it pulled at him like some kind of magnetic force. He was felt obligated to act his best- his most content; even if he didn't really feel like he was. After all, everyone had something different to deal with. He didn't need to add to anyone's already cluttered schedules.

"I've just been thinking about our adventures a lot lately, is all." At least he wouldn't be fully lying, right? Sort of... "Y'know, like the one where we went out to see and met Squid Ink Cookie? I can still feel the feeling of being seasick. Haha.."

There was an awkward silence between the two children, before Strawberry Cookie furrowed her brows and shook her head. She took a seat down in front of GingerBrave on the bench, before leaning forward. Deep brown eyes stared into oceanic blue. Both gazes unfaltering- one trained and the other concentrated.

"I know when you lie to me you know... I can't force you to tell the truth but... it does bum me out that you can't be more honest with me. We are friends, aren't we?" Strawberry Cookie pulled at the drawstrings of her over-sized hoodie, sweating a little bit due to the awkwardness of the conversation.

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