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Umbreon slowly made her way towards the city, part of her hoping that she ran into the Leafeon and his trainer.

As she went over what Leafeon had told her, she just now realized that he never told her what exactly he and his trainer does. He never said. But it had to be something fun if all the pokemon there with that human seemed to be perfectly content with doing it. When she saw them eating lunch earlier they all seemed happy being there.

Was there a chance that she could experience that too?

Umbreon couldn't find the Leafeon or his trainer anywhere. Did they already leave? Perhaps she already missed her chance when she ran from them. But that wouldn't make sense. From their meeting, it sounded like there were going to be here for a little while.

Out of the corner of her eye, Umbreon saw a tv screen. It was showing one of those contests she hears about from time to time. Sometimes she liked to watch them.

Umbreon was shocked when she saw Leafeon's trainer appear on the screen. She didn't expect them to do something like that. Well, now she was even more curious about this human.

Finding a secluded spot, Umbreon sat down to watch the contest.


Jade took a deep breath before smiling. "Misdreavus, center stage!"

The newest member of Jade's team appeared with a twirl as silver stars revolved around her thanks to the ball capsule.

'Using the effects of the capsule seemed to work well last time so let's see what we can do with this one.' Jade thought.

"Misdreavus use Hex!"

The little ghost pokemon nodded before summoning little purple flames. They collided with the lingering stars. The fusion turned them into comets, darting freely around the arena.

"Now use Psychic."

The little comets now had a set path, the light they were giving off created a ring of purple and silver lights above everyone's heads. The crowd stared in awe at the sight of it.

"Time to show off your new move... Misdreavus, finish this off with Power Gem!"

"Dree, vus!" Mysterious rocks appeared and shot toward the ring of light. The collision caused purple and silver specks of light to rain down.


"Let's give one last round of applause for Jade from Petalburg City!"

Umbreon stared in awe at the performance she just saw. She watched as Misdreavus sat on her trainer's shoulder. Jade smiled and waved as she left the stage. Umbreon could see the remnants of the final move sparkling in her hair.

Umbreon couldn't help but think. She could learn moves like Shadow Ball, and other dark and ghost types like that Misdreavus. Then maybe she could pull off beautiful performances like this.

She quickly shook her head at the thought. There was no way that she could possibly do that. Was there?

Umbreon looked back at the screen. This time it was showing a boy with a Monferno. She guessed she would have to wait until the next round to see Jade again. Then maybe she could have a better idea of what she thinks of this trainer.

But deep down Umbreon was pretty sure what she wanted to do. She was just gonna keep watching as a way to mentally prepare herself for that choice.


"Alright, the performance round is over!" Rhyme cheered. "Just breeze through the appeal battles and you'll have your second ribbon in no time!"

Jade nodded. "I'll get that ribbon. But first, I need to figure out who's gonna start off in the battles." she then turned to Leafeon and Delcatty. "So which one of you wants to be part of the first battle?"

In the Spotlight 2: Jade's Sinnoh JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now