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"Oh dear... this is going to be a bit of a problem." Jade thought aloud as Umbreon cowered behind her legs the moment Gabite appeared when everyone was released for a meal. "Then again, due to her timid nature maybe I should've seen this coming."

Jade then crouched down and stroked Umbreon's ears. "Everything's alright. Gabite here is the newest member of our team. Try and get along okay? We wouldn't want our new friend here to feel like he's not welcome here would we?"

The Moonlight Pokemon glanced at her trainer and then back at the newest member, who sat near his bowl, looking at her curiously. Despite his appearance, he didn't seem to actively try to be intimidating. She hesitantly nodded, though didn't make an effort to get closer.

"Sorry Gabite, Umbreon here is a little timid so it may take some time for her to warm up completely."

Gabite nodded in understanding. He would just have to be mindful about what he was doing until Umbreon was more used to him.

"So tomorrow is the contest," Rhyme said after preparing meals for her team. "Do you think you're ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Jade replied. "We'll just have to see what or who we have to face when we're there."

The moment she said that Jade thought about Destiny. 'There's a chance that she'll be in this contest. I wonder what I'll have to do if I end up facing her again. Do I try and use Gabite so she won't know what's going to be thrown at her? Or go with Leafeon and Delcatty and risk her knowing a few tricks they're capable of.'

She wasn't sure yet. 'I guess this is what goes through everyone's mind when they have a rival. Always trying to think of any little detail they could use to get even somewhat of an advantage.'

Jade never thought that she would have a rival. Even those she competed against back in Hoenn there was never really a time where she herself considered someone her rival. Now that she believed she had one, it was a bit unnerving. But then again, if she could pull off a win against the one that urged her to go on a journey in the first place... and having that person acknowledge how far she's come. She wanted that to happen. And the only way for it to happen was for her to use everything she learned to pull off a victory.

'This will only be a satisfying journey for me if I can get Destiny to acknowledge how strong I am.'


Jade sat backstage, waiting for the contest to officially start as Vivian did her usual announcements. Umbreon was curled up in her lap.

'I'm honestly a little shocked that she volunteered to be a part of the first contest we've had ever since she joined the team.' she thought. 'But I guess out of the two parts of a contest, this would be the one that would be a good idea for her to start.'

It was then that one of the people helping out with the contest stepped into the room.

"Contestant Jade, you're up. Please get ready."

Jade nodded and stood up, still holding Umbreon in her arms. She looked at the dark type eeveelution with a smile.

"We're up next. Ready?"

Umbreon slowly nodded and went into her pokeball. As Jade began walking, she saw Destiny and her Glaceon.

'So she is here...'

Any worrying thoughts that were about to surface, she pushed away. Now wasn't the time to be focused on that. She would worry about the battle rounds after the appeal rounds.

"Up next, give a warm welcome to Jade!"

The applause and cheers that she had gotten used to flooded Jade's ears as she entered everyone's sight.

In the Spotlight 2: Jade's Sinnoh JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now