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Jade and Rhyme ran as fast as they could to get out of the rain. It had started storming suddenly on their way to Celestic Town.

"I wish we would've known that this would happen." Rhyme groaned. "Then we could've waited at least one more day."

"We're almost there," Jade assured her. "Just a little bit further."

Piplup let out a squeak of fear when lightning crashed somewhere in the distance, clinging onto Leafeon's back.

Jade pushed herself to run a bit faster, taking Rhyme's hand as she passed the girl. 'The sooner we get out of this weather, the better.'

Out of the corner of her eye, Jade saw a little pokemon also trying its best to get out of the rain. From the looks of it, the pokemon was a Buneary. What a little pokemon was doing here all on its own was a mystery to Jade. But still, she couldn't just leave the poor thing to fend for itself.

"Keep running to the town! I'll catch up with you as soon as I can!" she told Rhyme before quickly letting go of her hand and running in the direction of the Buneary.

"Wait, Jade! Where are you going!?" confused, Rhyme stopped to see what her friend had seen.

Jade quickly knelt before the frightened Buneary, offering her hand out to it. "Here, I can help you get out of here faster."

The Buneary wasted no time jumping into Jade's arms, who let out a sigh of relief knowing the pokemon was willing to accept her help.

Another bolt of lightning came crashing down from the sky, this time hitting a tree branch right above Jade, causing it to snap. Jade held the Buneary close to her chest as the branch began to fall.

"Leafeon use Leaf Blade!"


Quickly, the Verdant Pokemon was above them, slicing the branch in half before it could get close to them.

"Thanks, buddy," Jade said to her partner as she got to her feet.

Leafeon nodded and continued to run with Jade and Rhyme, this time successfully making it to Celestic Town without any further delays. They rushed to the Pokemon Center, relieved that they were finally out of the rain.

'If only I had Togekiss and Altaria.' Jade thought. 'Then we could've gotten out of that storm a bit faster.'

Nurse Joy was quick to notice the sudden guests. "Oh dear, you were caught up in that storm weren't you? Hold on, I'll get you some towels and a fresh set of clothes. Wouldn't want you getting sick."

"Thank you. Could you also make sure that our Pokemon are alright?" Rhyme asked. "Our partners decided to stay out of the pokeballs with us."

"This Buneary is a wild pokemon but we'd be grateful if you could get it checked out too," Jade added.

"Of course. Just have them wait on the desk."

Leafeon hopped onto the desk, wrapping Buneary in his tail to keep her as warm as possible. Piplup stayed on his back, not really bothered by the rain but definitely shaken up by the lightning.

Rhyme held herself, trying to keep herself warm as best she could. "What do we do now? We can't do much in this weather."

"Try to keep ourselves from getting sick," Jade answered. "Since we'll be here for a while I might as well take this chance to see how Niko is doing. Do you wanna meet her too?"

"Niko? Oh, your performer friend." Rhyme said, remembering the name. "You said she was the one that traveled with you when you were in Hoenn."

Jade nodded. "Once we're dried up, let's give her a call."

Once Nurse Joy came back with towels and clothes, Jade and Rhyme used one of the spare bedrooms to get out of their wet clothes. As their pokemon were being tended to, they went to a small hallway with monitors lined up along the walls. Jade went to one of them.

'Hopefully, we're not catching her at a bad time.' she thought.

It didn't take long for Niko's face to appear on the screen. The slight confusion on her face quickly converted into glee the moment she saw Jade.

"Hey! Long time no see!"

Jade smiled as well. "It's good to see you too, Niko. How's your project going?"

Before Niko could respond to that, she was quickly pushed away by the rest of Jade's old team who were quick to gather around the computer the moment they heard their trainer's voice. Jade's smile only got bigger seeing all of them.

"I've missed you all too."

Altaria pecked at the screen, somehow hoping to go through the screen somehow. Meanwhile, Azumarill, with tears in his eyes, tried to aim the camera more in his direction. Togekiss then took the screen and set it to where they could all easily see. Milotic slithered closer the moment the excitement and chaos settled down.

Rhyme looked at the four pokemon in awe. "Those were part of your old team?"

"Yep. Right now they're with Niko helping out with her mission to bring Pokemon Showcases in more regions." Jade explained. "I figured it was better for them than to be in a professor's lab."

Niko, recovering from the sudden attack, reappeared on the screen. "Wow... was not prepared for that. They were never that rowdy before." she sighed before going back to the topic at hand. "You were asking how everything's going here right? Well, things have been going smoothly. People really seem to like the idea of Pokemon Showcases being around here so there are already plans to start building them in some major cities so I've been helping construction workers out with how everything looks in Kalos."

"That's great. I'll have to show you the new pokemon I caught when they're done getting looked over by Nurse Joy, but in the meantime." Jade nudged Rhyme a bit closer. "This here is my new friend Rhyme. She just became a pokemon trainer not too long ago. She's not sure what she wants to do yet so she's been traveling with me."

"H-Hi." Rhyme stuttered, suddenly feeling a little shy about meeting the closest thing she could think of to a celebrity aside from Jade. "Do you think... you could tell me about your journey?"

Niko grinned and nodded. "Sure no problem. What do you wanna know?"


Leafeon (Ability: Leaf Guard) Leaf Blade, Magical Leaf, Nature Power, Grass Whistle

Delcatty (Ability: Cute Charm) Attract, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Safeguard

Misdreavus (Ability: Levitate) Psychic, Perish Song, Hex, Confuse Ray

Umbreon (Ability: Synchronize) Dark Pulse, Swift, Shadow Ball, Quick Attack

Gabite (Ability: Sand Veil) Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Bulldoze, Stone Edge


Piplup (Ability: Torrent) Bubble Beam, Peck, Bide, Pound

Plusle (Ability: Plus) Helping Hand, Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Spark

Minun (Ability: Minus) Helping Hand, Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Spark

In the Spotlight 2: Jade's Sinnoh JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now