The Fight For Stark Tower

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When she finally came to her senses, she was alone.

"Where are those little rascals?" She questioned as she stood up drowsily, ignoring how she just woke up from unconsciousness.

She suddenly felt a twang of pain in her ears. She took of her mask and started dapping her ears lightly with her finger, and only then did she then see the blood flowing out of her ears.

"Shoot," She mentally said, only then did she remember what the spiders told her, informing that they were planning on taking over Stark Tower.

"Oh no-" she repeated mentally as she quickly shot a web, swinging towards Stark Tower. She cursed inwardly,

"What if I'm too late?" she thought as she yanked the web, pulling her body into the rush of the wind.

She quickly dropped down from the air to a building nearby Stark Tower. She gazed from the roof, trying to see what's happening in Stark Tower. And once she looked over, she noticed that giant spiders were crawling around Stark Tower. She saw her mentor trying to fight off the spiders in her Iron Heart suit, and Petra knew that that was the que for her to jump in. And so, she climbed the building, arriving just in time before one of the spiders managed to spit a blow of acid onto Morgan's Iron suit.

"Pe-Spider-girl?" Morgan questioned surprised, almost messing up her mentee's identity as she glitched her helmet off, revealing her face.

"Yup," Spider-girl said as she threw a blow at the incoming spider.

"You fools!" One of the spiders shrieked, thrashing its body onto the heroes.

Morgan shot a laser beam from her hand, shooting the thrashing spider, re-glitching her helmet back on.

"Well, if you're here, then better get to it Spider-girl," Iron Heart said as she zoomed pass Spider-girl.

"You got it Mrs. Stark!" Spider-girl screamed as she disappeared into the spider army, pulsing blows in each direction. Iron Heart on the other hand flew above, shooting blasts from the air with high accuracy. Spider-girl shot a web onto 2 spiders, yanking them with her as she jumped and smashed their body towards the hard concrete floor.

"Good job kid," Iron Heart informed, shooting blasts with electricity that was strong enough to damage them unconscious.

They continued transferring shots both ways, above and below, right and left as they both fought so valiantly. Petra jumped onto a slab of metal, shooting from a far angle knowing that it would be harder for the spiders to attack here this way. Finally striking down the last of them, Iron Heart flew back down carefully as Spider-girl did the iconic Spider-man pose, jumping down from a far-off metallic slab.

"You did good kid," Iron Heart said as she offered a fist bump, still inside her Iron suit.

"A-Thank you Mrs. Stark" Petra smiled as she took of her mask and accepted the fist bump with one of her own.

Suddenly, the spiders around them started evaporating into sand, dust particles flew both ways covering the whole tower with grey smokes of ash.

"What's happening?" Petra questioned, looking at her mentor,

"You think I know?" Morgan responded with alarm.

As the dust evaporated eventually taking minutes or maybe longer, they finally see that the spiders were no longer there.

"What just.... happened?" Petra questioned, looking around in confusion.

Morgan scanned the area, finding no trace on where the spiders disappeared off to.

"Well kid, you earned my trust. You can borrow some of my inventions or items to help you research and stuff." the mentor said to the mentee.

Petra gazed deeply into her hero's eyes,

"I think that's epic!" She grinned, looking like an excited puppy.

"Uh, ok. Come here kid." The mentor called as she walked powerfully inside the tower's balcony door.

"C-Coming Mrs. Stark!"

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