4 - Bubble Tea

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I didn't go to school for the rest of the week, still reeling from the incident.

Frankly, if it were up to me, I wouldn't attend school next week either. It wasn't like anybody cared if I did or didn't. However, the inner nerd in me cared too much about my grades and attendance to skip class again.

And so, on Monday morning, I slicked my curls into a high ponytail and headed to my first period English class, uncertain of what the day would bring.

I decided to sit in the back corner, where hopefully, no one would notice me. People steadily trickled in as the minutes passed. When the bell rang, a familiar face made me tense. Malcolm.

It was the first time I'd seen one of the boys since the day after they'd locked me in the janitors closet. While Malcolm initially seemed like the sweetest of the three, I quickly realized that I was mistaken. He was just like every other bully at this school, and I couldn't trust him.

Which was why I was stunned when he sat next to me.

Without looking at him, I scooted away.

"So, you're finally back," Malcolm smiled, his blue eyes twinkling.

I ignored him.

"Oh, come on. You can't possibly still be mad," he continued.

"There are multiple other seats in this classroom," I curtly said, a polite version of screw you and go sit somewhere else.

"What's the big deal? It was just a little prank," he laughed.

"A little prank?" I hissed. "You locked me in the janitor's closet overnight."

He was taken aback. "I mean... I figured the janitor would've let you out after a little bit."

"Yeah, well, he didn't," I bitterly scoffed. "And I've got severe claustrophobia, so thanks to you, I had a panic attack."

Malcolm was at a loss of words. He actually looked guilty. "Daisy—"

"Just leave me alone," I sighed before facing the front.

I could feel his blue eyes boring into the side of my skull, before he reluctantly did as I said and looked away. We spent the rest of class in silence.

When the bell rang, I was one of the first to jump up. I swiftly maneuvered through the halls, though a brief shout made me slow down.

"Hey, Daisy, wait up!"

It was Malcolm. He looked breathless as he caught up to me, and he nervously ran a hand through his blond hair.

"Yes?" I warily asked, clutching my binders to my chest.

"Look, I'm sorry," he seemed to be looking for the right words. "What we did to you was a little extreme."

"A little?"

"Okay, a lot. Why don't I make it up to you? What are you doing after school?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"Wha—no," he rushed, before blushing. "I-I mean, not that I wouldn't. You're a beautiful girl, but it's not like that. I just—"

"Relax," I laughed, my dimples showing. "I know what you meant."

He grinned back at me. "Why don't we head over to that new bubble tea place that just opened down the street? We can work on the English homework together."

At my clear reluctance, he continued. "Please? It'll be my treat."

I hesitantly smiled. "Alright."

"Perfect. It's a date. Wait, not like that! I meant—"

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