10 - Lunchtime

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I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Thoughts of my mother and my father kept me up. I also couldn't stop thinking about Ruby and the things I'd overheard her say about me.

She called me crazy.

With time, I realized that Ruby was just like every other student at Oakland High. All she wanted was to be popular, to get in with the it crowd. Once she joined the cheer squad, she changed. Or perhaps I never really knew her at all.

When I got up for school in the morning, I winced at my reflection in the mirror. I had humongous eye bags due to the fact that I hadn't slept last night, my hair was a frizzy mess because I'd forgotten to wear a silk bonnet to bed, and my posture was slouched due to how sore my muscles were from yesterday's events.

As I entered school, Ruby was already waiting for me at my locker. She was clad in her cheer uniform. Her red hair was in pigtails and she had a wide smile on her face. I wondered if she was actually happy to see me or if she was just faking it.

"Hey, I missed you after practice yesterday," she chirped.

"Yeah, sorry, I was tired so I just went home," I lied. "You were really good."

"Thanks," her smile dropped when she got a good look at me. "Are you okay? You look a bit tired."

I was going to lie again—pretend I was perfectly fine, as I'd done my whole life. However, I was getting sick of the charade.

"No, I'm not okay," I said truthfully. "I lied to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, I didn't just go home after cheer practice. I was waiting for you at the changeroom, but then I overheard you talking about me to the other girls," I explained, hurt evident in my voice.

Ruby's expression was priceless. She looked flabbergasted, and I would've laughed if I wasn't so sad.

"You promised you wouldn't tell anyone about what the guys did to me, and I was stupid enough to trust you."

"I-I'm sorry," her eyes began to water. "I had no idea you were there."

"Oh, because that makes it so much better."

"That's not what I meant."

"Whatever," I sighed, exhausted. "Do you really think I'm crazy?"

"No, of course I don't! I don't know why I said that. I just wanted the other girls to like me."

"Right," I bitterly smiled, "even if that meant making fun of me."

"I'm sorry," Ruby whispered, a tear slipping from her eye.

"I forgive you, but I don't think I can trust you anymore."

And just like that, our short-lived friendship came to an end.

I didn't know why I was so hurt by the whole thing. I should've expected it. After all, good things never last. At least, not for me.


Malcolm was forcing me to spend lunch with him again. As we approached their designated table in the middle of the cafeteria, I saw that Andre was reading a book.

"Hey, is that Pride and Prejudice?" I asked.

"Yeah," he looked up, surprised. "You've read it?"

"Have I read it?" I repeated. "Have I read it?"

"Yes, I think that's what he just asked," Malcolm snorted.

We both ignored him.

"Mr. Darcy or Mr. Collins?" I carefully asked.

"Is that even a question? Darcy, of course!" Andre slammed the book shut in outrage.

I smiled, pleased by his answer.

"Is this what it's like to be a nerd?" Malcolm asked.

Again, we ignored him, causing him to pout.

"Wow, it's been years since I've been able to have a sophisticated conversation with someone," Andre mused, looking at me with suspicion. "Quick. What's ten divided by zero?"

"Ten," Malcolm said.

"Trick question," I yawned. "Zero has no multiplicative inverse, so any attempt to define a real number as the multiplicative inverse of zero would result in the contradiction of zero equals one. Therefore, the expression is undefined."

"I think I've finally met my match," Andre warily crossed his arms. "But this doesn't mean I like you. You're still a snitch."

"You locked me in a closet overnight, so I think we're even. But don't worry, I don't like you either," I beamed.

My smile fell short when Elias entered the cafeteria. He looked more than displeased to see me.

"Why is she here again?" he glared daggers at me.

"She is right here," I glared back.

"Yeah, I know. I could smell you from a mile away. And in case no one's told you, you look horrible today."

"You're one to talk! Who gave you that black eye?"

Malcolm and Andre both tensed up. Clearly I was breaching into sensitive territory.

"Why do you care?" Elias scowled.

"I don't. Just remind me to get them flowers."

Malcolm laughed and reached over to fist bump me. Even Andre's lips twitched as he fought the urge to smile.

"Yeah, whatever. This whole lunch arrangement better not be a regular occurrence. I already get enough of the girls at this school."

Elias glanced back at the table where the cheerleaders sat. As if on cue, they began to wave at him and giggle amongst one another. Ruby was sitting with them too, though when she caught my eye, she looked down. This did not go unnoticed by Malcolm.

"So, what ever happened with you and the ginger chick?" Malcolm asked me.

Andre nodded as if he wanted to know as well, and even though Elias' face was impassive, his dark eyes carefully analyzed my face, a clear telltale he was interested.

"I think it's just best we go our separate ways," I sighed. "She's a cheerleader now, and I hate to generalize, but you know how they are."

Malcolm nodded. "I hear there's only one qualification—be drop dead gorgeous."

"No wonder Daisy's not on the team."

I stomped on Elias' foot. He barely winced.

"I wonder who's gonna be captain of the football team this year," I mused.

"I thought it was that moron, Anthony Miller," said Malcolm.

"It was, but apparently there's a new football coach, and he wants to start fresh. Everyone's gotta tryout again, meaning no one on the team is guaranteed a position. I'd love it if Anthony got dethroned," I said wistfully, "one can only dream."

Elias got up and left without another word.

I watched him leave with a frown, and quickly figured he'd simply had enough of my presence.

"Don't take what he says to heart," Malcolm said, not missing my expression. "I know you probably don't agree, but Elias is a good guy. He's our best friend. He's just got so much anger in his heart, so he takes it out on other people."

"Yeah, well, that's not an excuse," I murmured before changing the topic, wanting to rid all thoughts of a certain dark-eyed boy from my head.


Merry Christmas you guys!!! I just opened all my presents I'm so happy!

QOTD: would you rather receive lots of small gifts or one large gift?
AOTD: lots of small gifts!

Hope you guys are enjoying the holidays! My present to you is a double update, so stay tuned for the next chapter! It'll be up in a few minutes.

Love, Emmanuela<3


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