34 - Unannounced Visits

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"That's it, Elias, let it all out," Malcolm grimaced before glancing at Andre. "How long has he been at it?"

"Dunno," Andre sighed, sparing a look at his expensive wristwatch. "A few hours, I think."

"Hours?" Malcolm yelped.

I could hardly hear a word they were saying. My airpods were on maximum volume, blasting rap music into my ears as I relentlessly pummeled my fists into the punching bag. We were at the training gym which I often went to before a fight, or when I simply needed to release some pent up anger. Today's visit had fallen under the latter category. While I'd been here for hours, Malcolm and Andre showed up as well, feeling the need to follow me.

"Alright, I think that's enough," Malcolm frowned, crossing his arms.

"He can't hear you," Andre sung from his position slumped against the wall.

Risking death, Malcolm ripped my airpods out of my ears and threw them across the gym.

Alarmed, I held the punching bag still and gave Malcolm a murderous glare. "What the fuck?"

"Yeah, yeah," he unapologetically waved me off. "What's got you so heated?"

"Nothing," I growled, before continuing to angrily pound the punching bag.

"Would you stop it," Malcolm said in annoyance. "It's a Friday evening in the middle of spring."

"So?" I panted without stopping.

"So, you shouldn't be spending hours pummeling a punching bag. It's unhealthy... and a little bit scary."

"What would be a more productive way to spend my time, then?" I sarcastically asked.

"I dunno... go outside, enjoy the weather, spend time with your friends. Maybe Daisy—"

I immediately froze and clutched the punching bag to hold it still. Daisy. It was strange how the mere sound of her name was able to elicit such a strange reaction out of me.

I'd initially tried hard to deny it, but I'd long since come to accept the truth for what it was. I had a crush on Daisy—a real, absurd, elementary school-boy crush. I mean, for Pete's sake, wasn't it obvious? I let her call me Ellie!

It didn't seem right that someone like me, a cold, cunning guy who beat people up for a living, could have feelings for a girl as kind, softhearted, and precious as Daisy Johnson. I didn't know much about girls like her—mainly because I'd never even met anyone that compared to her. What I did know, though, was that she deserved much better than me. I was complicated... messed up. She didn't need that in her life.

"Oh, so now you wanna listen," Malcolm crossed his arms, a gigantic smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, finish the sentence. What about Daisy?"

Malcolm shrugged. "I was just gonna say, maybe we should swing by her house. Life's been bleak without her."

"You just saw her today at school..." I blankly said.

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