A/N: Welcome back to Auradon! It's been 6 months since the first book, so let's see how our VKs are doing in the land of opportunity.
"Let's give Auradon a taste of evil." Mal's voice rings through.
"Wicked ways beneath the skin...let all who taste it now join in." I chant as I look at the others as we stand around a bubbling cauldron of spelled poison apples. I laugh and the others join in as we cackle with evil running through our veins. "We got all the ways to be, W-I-C-K-E-D. We got all the ways to be, W-I-C-K-E-D. Come on!" We cheer as we grab the apples, running into Auradon Prep and causing chaos.
I spray paint the school lockers, finishing off the 'long live evil' art I created there as Carlos throws a bunch of apples onto the floor. I lean against the lockers and watch as people pick them up, eating them and I smirk as Jane approaches me. "Crashing the party, guess they lost my invitation." Jane takes the apple in my hand and takes a big bite before smirking and taking the spray paint can from my hand. "Friendly reminder, got my own kind of persuasion." I sing as Jane walks away, shaking the can and ready to graffiti the area.
"Looks like this place could use a little misbehaviour. Happily ever after, with a little flavour." Carlos sings, smirking as we walk away together to find the others. "We're bad to the bone, with even worse intentions." Jay sings, kicking apples at the band who is playing in the courtyard while Mal is behind him, handing him the apples. "We're gonna steal the show and leave them all defenseless." Mal sings, chucking one herself, right into Doug's trumpet, blocking the sound.
I run to the classroom where Evie is supposed to be having her class to see her stand while Fairy Godmother isn't looking and placing an apple on her desk. "A fairytale life can be oh-so overrated." She sings before looking up and seeing me. "So raise your voices and let's get it activated." She sings, winking before watching Fairy Godmother take a bite, as does the whole class and chaos erupts. The whole class throwing paper in the air and dancing on tables.
"Long live, having some fun. We take what we want. There's so many ways to be wicked. With us, evil lives on. The right side of wrong. There's so many ways to be wicked." We sing. The five of us run around the school, doing whatever we want. Carlos giving apples to Beast and Belle, Mal throwing things everywhere, Jay enjoying the cheerleader's company while Evie and I hand our caramel spelled apples. I missed this. Chaos was our thing, and this? This is major chaos.
"At last the dark is finally getting your attention." I sing, handing Lonnie a caramel apple. "We're wicked by the book and class is back in session." Evie sings, throwing Auradon's rule book away as Chad and Fairy Godmother dance like maniacs. "You want to steal it, gotta beat 'em to the treasure." Jay sings, smirking as cheerleaders dance around him. "A right of passage..." Carlos sings before Mal jumps in "That just doesn't get much better!"
"Long live, having some fun. We take what we want. There's so many ways to be wicked."
"Mother...always knows best." Mal sings as I raise a flag that donned our 'Long Live Evil' motto. "Show her, pass every test." Evie sings, flipping through her study books. "Hear her voice in my head..." Carlos sings, using headphones to block out noise, or 'her voice' from his head. "Evil is the only real way to win...." Jay sings before we join him.
"We've got all the ways to be, hey, hey, hey. W-I-C-K-E-D. We got all the ways to be...so many ways to be wicked." We finish after a major dance mob. I give Mal an apple and she smirks, kissing it before throwing it into the air...I wait to see who catches...to see who...to see...wait, where did it go?

(2) The Space Between (Evie/ (Fem) You)
Fanfiction-This is the Second Book in the Descendants Series- It's been 6 months since they arrived in Auradon. Only a few months after King Ben of Auradon had declared Y/N to be the up and coming Queen of the Isle and declared Mal as his girlfriend. Since th...