⁴ A bite.

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"I'm not one of them, right?" I-sak hesitantly says, breathing heavily.

I smell blood, coming from her leg.

"I-sak, your leg." I mention, she turns to me.

"Y/N! I'm fine!" she yells, her nose starting to bleed.

"I wasn't bit, really!"

Na-yeon, who was resting, lifts her head up.
"What's going on?" she stands up hastily.
"Were you bit?" she adds.

"No, I wasn't!" I-sak rushes off to a mirror and inspects her face. She had bloodshot eyes, and blood dripping from her nose.

"Hey. You're okay, right?" Gyeong-su asks, walking over to I-sak.

I back away from everyone.

I'm hungry.

I plug in my headphones again and cover my eyes, she's gonna bite someone. I know it.

Suddenly, the window smashes, and I-sak is nowhere to be seen.

I open my eyes, seeing I-sak's fingers gripping on the window frame.

On-jo rushes over, holding her arm to prevent her from falling. Gyeong-su walks over to me, joining me, he hugs me tight to him, and I appreciate that.

"It's okay, Y/N." he strokes my hair.

"Why are you so cold?" he asks me, trying to distract me from I-sak.

"I'm hot, what do you mean?" I reply.

"Oh? Okay then.."

I turn to On-Jo, who was staring blankly outside with tears strolling down her red cheeks. I think I-sak is gone.

I sigh, another person dead, could I be next?

"I just want to go home." I burst in tears.

"I should've just stayed in my old town!" I shout in sadness.

"It's okay, we'll be fine. You won't die. I promise."

Suddenly, sadness doesn't fill my body anymore, except hunger does. I can't help but smell his skin, which smelt... delicious.

I shake my head, before taking out my headphones.

"Let's go out." Cheong-san decides, looking determined.

"Where could we go? And how?" Wu-jin asks.

"The rope from earlier." he suggests.

"Gyeong-su." Cheong-san calls, Gyeong-su turns to him.

"Lovers." Wu-jin whispers to Dae-su.

How the hell could I hear that?

"Yes?" Gyeong-su says back.


"What is it?"

Cheong-san tries to persuade Gyeong-su to open the door just a little so he can get the rope.
They have a little arguement, but Gyeong-su finally lets Cheong-san open the door.
He is unable to get the rope, so he goes back in the classroom and in the science lab place, getting a plastic arm from a mannequin.

They manage to make holes in the rope enough to fit hands and feet, then they throw the rope over the window.

Gyeong-su goes first.

My stomach rumbles, God I'm so hungry. I barely had lunch that's probably why.
I turn to On-Jo, and my hunger grows. I take a gulp as I smell her. I can't help but lick my lips.

My vision goes a bit red.

Why do you smell so good?

On-Jo, you... smell good.

Without thinking, I run up to her and...

My mouth opens quickly, my teeth touch her wrist and I bite her. Flesh is ripped off her skin.
I eat the bit of skin I pulled off her.

"On-Jo!" Cheong-san yells, running over and dragging me away.

My vision slowly goes back to normal, and I am not in the classroom.
Except i'm in the hallways.

What have I done.

All the zombies casually walk past me, like I'm not even here.

Wasn't I a zombie? Or a half zombie?

I shrug.

Hesitantly, I open the door, and On-Jo is on the floor, crying.


I quickly close the door.

Where do I go?

Should I go back?

I run downstairs.

Maybe Gyeong-su reached a classroom already, hopefully he did.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I sprint, why am I crying?

I don't know.

But I am.

I keep running, no sign of the students I was with.

No sign of Gyeong-su.

I run down another staircase, reaching the second floor.

Didn't they say they were going to the broadcasting room?

I think so.

I get lost, as I don't know this school that well yet.

I eventually go to the first floor and find myself in the dining hall.

Hope of finding a survivor, I sprint into the kitchen.

Wouldn't students hide in here?

I see a person under a metal table (dk what it's called). I crawl under there with him.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asks.

"Y/N." I reply.

"What about you?"

He turns his head.

"Tch. Yoon Gwi-nam."

"Want to survive with me until I find my group?" I politely offer.

"Hm... Are you strong?"

"I guess so.. I can do archery and I'm good at fighting." I reply.


"Okay, let's go." I smile.

We both crawl out, Gwi-nam defends himself using a human, brutal.

On the way out, he grabs a knife, and I do aswell.

When zombies approach him, he stabs them right in the neck, maybe that's there weak spot.

I leave the kitchen, Gwi-nam rushing after me.

"How the fuck-? Are you.. immune or something?" he yells, I can't help but grin.

"Survive for me" ▪︎ Gyeong-su x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now