¹⁴ Injured

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"You may get up now." a man announces, the others slowly rising up from the floor.

"Are you the only survivors?" he asks.

"We don't know, we're sure there's more." Cheong-san replies.

"We'll go down for a few minutes." the military man says.
"Wait right here."

Ji-min suddenly barges through some members of the group.
"Aren't you going to rescue us?"

"We will. So don't go anywhere, don't do anything just stay here. Understand?" he replies.

"Yes." we all reply at the same time.

"Let's go." and with that, the four military men go to the edge of roof and slide down using the rope.
Gyeong-su's holds my hand tightly while we wait.
Joon-yeong steps forward a bit, then so does Dae-su.

"Hey. They plan to kill all the zombies before they take us, right?" Dae-su asks Joon-yeong.

"I doubt that. There's only four of them." Joon-yoong replies

"Special mission first, right?"

"Y/N.." I stop listening to the conversation when Gyeong-su says my name.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Do you think they know what hambies are yet? I'm sure there's more like you and Nam-ra out there." he asks me in concern.

"Probably not.." I reply as I hear a chopper nearby, causing me to turn to it.

The four men arrive back up the rooftop.

"Did you get the package?" one of them asks, who was holding the ropes a few minutes ago.

One of the men nod.

"We'll pull you up one at a time. Stay still even if you're scared." they announce.

Everyone nods.

"Aren't you landing the chopper?" Ji-min asks.

"We can't for safety reasons. He'll pull you in, so don't worry."

We watch behind us as one of the men climbs up the rope with a harness on.

"You can't go all at once so let's go one by one. L/N Y/N, you go first as you're mom is an Assembly member, she's in the chopper right now."

I nod, letting go off my boyfriend's hand slowly before walking over to the rope.
The men put the harness on my waist and attach it the rope, then I start going up slowly. I can't help but smile softly.

"Don't rescue anyone. Except for L/N Y/N."

"Please repeat do you mean everyone except for L/N Y/N?"

"We just discovered an asymptomatic infected person."

"But their tempartures are fine."

"The girl who was brought here was also fine."

"All our agents will be in danger if one turns in the chopper."

"Open fire if they resist."

"But they're just students!"

"Soldiers here have died!"

"One girl attacked four soldiers!"

"Understood. Over."

"Operation cancelled! We'll take only the package and pull out!" the man announces, and I sigh.

I'm not leaving my friends in danger.

I make it on the chopper platform.

"Sir, let me down." I demand while he starts taking off my harness.

"Survive for me" ▪︎ Gyeong-su x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now