¹⁵ Gym

472 8 2

Cautiously, we walk down the enter the school, making sure there's no zombies.


A struck of thunder flashed in the dark sky, however someone covers my ears from behind, it was Nam-ra.
We slowly make our way down the stairs.
Surprisingly, the staircase was exremely quiet and unsettling. The darkness made a little more strange.

I can feel the frantic breathes of Hyo-rung infront of me.
I can also hear the snarling of zombies far away.
It was scaring me a bit.

Of how quiet the school is.

The group starting fast-walking, then stopped.

It was the snarling of a zombie.

A simple struck of thunder caused the small group of zombies to be alerted instantly. The group begin to run a bit.

We finally reach the outside of the school, rain slapping harshly on the concrete floor while we're under shelter. The group stays low, I try my best to crouch. When the zombies are alerted to another loud noise, we make our move, rain slapping on our faces.

Cautiously, we crouch behind a truck.

"Hey, I'll go first." Dae-su whispers, crouching down infront of Cheong-san before crawling under the truck.

Me and the two boys who were helping me, go around.

"Cheong-san." a cheerful voice exclaims.

The boy rises up nervously from the floor, staring at the figure.

It's a human, but barely.


You're hungry.

Eat. Her.

My zombie instincts start to kick in.

Maybe a halfbie's flesh isn't enough to please my stomatch.

Maybe a human's flesh is.

I drop the crutches to the floor, barely being able to balance. And I let out a snarl.

"Y/N." Gyeong-su whispers.

"Get off me." I elbow his chest, before elbowing Wu-jin's.

My little strength was enough to get them off me.

Cheong-san stared at his mom in terror.

My legs feel better. Almost better. I can feel my legs again. Cheong-san's mom was barely a human, she was about to turn.

Begging for food, I run over to the woman, who was distracted by her son.
And I bite her neck harshly, ripping off flesh.

"Y/N YOU- YOU!" Cheong-san yells, running over and pushing me off the woman.

He was crying.

I try to fight him off me, but some other people came in to help Cheong-san.

"How did she get her legs working again?!"

My breathing becomes frantic while I stare at Cheong-san's mother, who was snarling.
Dae-su was attempting to attack the lady before she turned, but Cheong-san was battling him off.

"Food.." I mutter, trying to bite someone's hand.

"Y/N- Stop!"

My snarling becomes quieter and soon stops. I didn't notice the tears running down my cheek.
I couldn't help but stare blankly at Cheong-san's mother. She was on the floor. My eyes were wide, staring at the scene. I didn't realize the zombies running over to us.

Gyeong-su lifts me in his arms in bridal style, and we run with the group, however Cheong-san was refusing not to leave his mother.

I can't help but feel regret of biting her.

But what if she was already bit, there's no chance she'd survive with a whole field full of zombies out there.

"Y/N.. Can you walk?" Gyeong-su asks me. I look up/look at him and nod slowly.

Rain drops splash on our pale faces while we ran from the zombies.

Cheong-san, On-jo, Nam-ra and Su-hyeok were nowhere to be seen, they're probably helping Cheong-san get over his mom's death.

"Mom! Mom!" I hear Cheong-san yell.

It's my fault.

"They're here, hurry up!"

I hold Gyeong-su's hand tightly as we run.

I suddenly smell the scent of another smell, that didn't smell like a zombies'. But a human's scent.

"Hyo-rung!" I hear.

I turn behind me swiftly, to see Hyo-rung in Wu-jin's arms. He was protecting her. I also see a blurry figure not far away from them.

A zombie drops dead on the floor, then another a few seconds later.

We finally make it to the gym, where the lights was off. But I could easily smell zombies in hear. It was an extremely strong scent.

"Y/N, are we alone in here?" Gyeong-su asks me, hugging me tight.

I shake my head.

"Run away." Nam-ra murmers.

Everyone was silent. Until a struck of lightning snaked through the air, filling the large room with light. We could see a numerous amount of zombies.

"What the fuck?" a girl with short, black hair asks.


With that, we all start sprinting away somewhere.

A senior was pulling a boy on a bed type thing, she was struggling. I wince as he shouts.
I make it into a small, cramped with the others, however we wait for the other two seniors before locking the door.

The senior male, who was hurt i'm guessing, was being bit by a group of zombies. Ha-ri grabs the other girl and drags her in the room.

All I could was yelling before I turned away.

"Let go! Close the door!"

The senior girl was getting dragged inside the room by the Jang siblings.

"I want go home.." I whisper to Gyeong-su.

I can feel his skin shivering as I wrap my arms around him.

"I know, I'm scared too.."

Everyone was exhausted..

The senior girl was whimpering a little but it soon stopped.

"Fuck this shit." I hiss.

I turn to Cheong-san, who was currently crying in On-jo's arms. He looked traumitized.

He's going to hate me forever now.

I cuddle in Gyeong-su's arms and close my eyes. He embraces me tightly, his chin resting on my head/shoulder.
The rain soon stopped, and I was able to go to sleep. But I could still hear the quiet snarling of zombies, waiting for their next meal.

"Survive for me" ▪︎ Gyeong-su x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now