¹³ Chopper

546 15 4

The group sits in a circle together again, Joon-yeong trying to fix his classes as they broke when Gwi-nam kicked him harshly.

I lean my head on my boyfriend's shoulder, sighing.

Nearly the whole group was in pain because of the vicious hambie.

"What the hell is that Gwi-nam guy?" Joon-yeong asks.

"A hambie. Like me and Nam-ra." I state, closing my eyes.

"Yeah, it looks like he became a different being. I think Y/N's right." Su-hyeok states.

"I don't think he can die." the boy with the injured shoulder adds.

"What if he climbs up here again?" Wu-jin asks, obviously nervous and concerned.

"That asshole is bad." Ji-min mentions.

"Worse than that, Ji-min." I say.


"To be honest, I'm scared of Nam-ra and Y/N too. Maybe a little bit of Gyeong-su. Didn't Y/N bite her?" Ji-min informs.

"Yeah she did, but I barely feel any zombie feelings." Gyeong-su states.

"You saw her fighting earlier, and how Y/N effortlessly ripped Gwi-nam's flesh off two times."

Nam-ra stares down at the concrete.

"I think it's reasonable to assume they're both hambies." Dae-su suggests, Hyo-rung hits his shoulder.


"You're really okay, right?" Ji-min asks the girl who seemed tired and worn out.

"Will you believe me if I say I won't?" Nam-ra asks calmly.

"Must you talk like that? Can't you try to make us believe you?" Ji-min hesitantly replies, obviously a little scared.

"Ji-min, she basically saved the whole group from Gwi-nam. She's been a zombie for a few hours now, has she tried to bite us?" I state, everyone turning to me.

"Well.. What if you both get hungry and bite us?" Ji-min argues.

Nam-ra stares at Ji-min with a glare, staying silent for a while.

"I.. have never done anything but study. Not because I was naive but because I was a coward. I was scared my grades would drop and my mom would get mad. So I didn't do anything else. I was scared to make friends too. My mom always asked about how well they did at school.
What their father did for a living, how big their house is..." Nam-ra explains, everyone's eyes laying on her. Nam-ra gets some wood and lights it on fire.

"I never thought I'd get to sit by a fire with all you like this." she states, making Su-hyeok smile softly.

"It's really nice. It's my first time. If we get out of here, let's gather around a fire." Nam-ra suggests, Gyeong-su holds my hand tightly, squeezing it a little.

"And hang out like this again. I really hope we can."

"Sure, let's do that." On-jo smiles, Nam-ra turning to her.

"If anyone lights a fire, let's all gather together." On-jo, who was huddling in her blanket, adds.

"Sorry, Prez. And sorry Y/N." Ji-min states, receiving a polite smile from Nam-ra and I.

"It's alright." I smile.

"Did Nam-ra just smile? That looked so awkward." Dae-su laughs a little.

"God, come on.." Hyo-rung whispers.

"What? What now?" Dae-su scoffs.

I can't help but giggle a little, while resting my head on my boyfriend's shoulder. Gyeong-su placed on his lap again, hugging me.

"Survive for me" ▪︎ Gyeong-su x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now