Chapter 2: Heartbreak

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The next morning, Ben went over to his cousin's house. It was a large, red brick stately home, guarded with towering iron gates and security cameras. The gate keeper opened the gate for Ben when he saw him approach the residence and politely greeted him. Ben knocked on the wooden double doors and was received by the family butler, who led him to the dining room, where his aunt and the servants were preparing the table for breakfast. His aunt came and hugged him.

"Morning Ben", she said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Good morning Aunty. How are you?"

"Fine, thank you. And how are your bruises?"

"They're healing. I'll be fine Aunty. So where's Romeo?"

"In his room, of course. Can you please speak to him for me?"

"Of course. I'll go to him now."

"Thank you. Please take all the time that you need Ben."

"Alright", he said and turned to leave the room. But when he'd reached the room, it was empty. After checking his en suite bathroom and walk-in wardrobe, Ben concluded that Romeo must've snuck out. Luckily, he saw his cousin roaming the gardens through the window and slipped out to join him. He found Romeo lounging on a hammock, hung between two trees, in the orchard. He had his airpods on with his eyes closed. The gentle breeze ruffled his fluffy brown hair and a few rays of sun which broke through the trees fell apon his face. He looked almost angelic. Ben picked up a leaf from the ground and tickled Romeo's face with it. His nose twitched and his grey eyes flew open. They flashed when they saw Ben snickering at him.

"What are you doing here?" he grumbled, pulling an airpod out of his ear.

"I came here to see you. And good morning to you too."

"Is it only the morning still?"

"Yes. It's nearly nine."

"Ah. Time flies when you're having fun, but I guess it's the other way round when you're feeling down."

"What are you so down about?" Ben asked. When Romeo didn't reply, Ben knelt down next to him and touched his wrist. "You know you can trust me."

Romeo looked his cousin in the eye and sighed. "I confessed to Rosaline."

"Did she turn you down?"

"Yeah." Romeo's eyes began to glisten but he still continued, "I really thought that we had a connection. She told me that I was different from the other guys. But she only meant that as a friend."

"Is that what she said?"

"Yeah. And to top it off, she's leaving."

"Leaving town?"

"She's leaving the country. She says that she can't stay here anymore and that she got accepted into a school in Switzerland."


"Yeah", Romeo croaked, "I begged her to stay when she told me but she wouldn't budge. So I told her that I loved her..."

"But she didn't feel the same way."

"Far from it." A tear streamed down his face. Ben took out a pack of tissues from his pocket and offered it to Romeo, who accepted it. He started to sob as attempted to wipe his tears. Ben patted his arm silently until Romeo had calmed down.

"Hey, there's no need to be sad. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Plus, you're easy on the eyes, so you'll move on in no time", Ben said.

"But they won't be Rosaline, will they? I've never met anyone so smart, pretty or talented and I don't think I ever will again", Romeo replied.

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