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Sunday, June 26, 2016
Trey's House
20 weeks...

He sighed heavily as he pulled open the door to his bedroom. He'd had to inform his security of course to keep an eye on Lexi from afar, while some of those who'd flown in from London kept eyes on Ethan, Leander, Nicolysse and Valerie.

Closing the door, he padded to his bathroom to wash down and brush his teeth before returning with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He entered his closet and came back wearing boxers only while he used the towel to dry his hair.

After depositing the towel in the bathroom, he went over to his bed and flopped on it, only to receive a pained exclamation. He slid out and grabbed his phone to turn on the room's dim lighting. "Lexi?"

"Expecting someone else?" she grumbled, sitting up.

He ran his hand through his still damp hair, absolutely horrified. "Have you been here this whole time?" he asked in wonder, truly surprised as to why he hadn't spotted her.

"Yes, but I can leave."

"No," he rushed out. " Did I hurt you?"

"A little," she admitted, cupping her bump. His eyes followed the movement.

"Do we need to go to the hospital?" The panic in his voice was palpable.

"No. Your hand just hit my back. It's fine," she assured him. "It just caught me off guard."

He stood. "I still would've preferred it if you'd warned me. I didn't know you were going to be sleeping here now."

She thought about it for a moment. "It's not a big deal. I can just go to my room."

"I'm not driving you out. Just saying, we could've avoided this mishap," he murmured, coming to sit in front of her. "I still wish we'd go to the hospital."

"Trey," she said firmly, brushing his cheek. "We're fine. Okay? Don't blame yourself, and whenever I want to sleep here, I'll let you know. Better?"

"Much," he answered, leaning into her touch.

"Now lay down. You need to rest," she requested. He hesitated, but crossed over to his side to lay down, inviting her into his arms.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into her hair when she snuggled next to him.

"If you apologize one more time, I'm going to flip." He chuckled, breathing in her scent. "Talk about something else if you're not sleepy."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"More like what I want to know," she corrected, holding her breath for an answer. She knew he'd decided not to involve the girls in the case anymore, so it might be hard on him.

He was quiet for a couple of seconds. "Hit me." 

She lifted her head to look at him. "You're not going to ask which category it falls in?"

He brushed her hair back as he looked up at her. "You're my wife. You deserve to know what I'm up to—I want you to know. I'm not hiding things from you anymore, remember?"

She smiled in appreciation and gave him a peck on the lips. "Thank you." She didn't wait for his reaction; only set her head back on his chest as her face flamed. Why on earth was she behaving like a hormonal teenager?! "Tell me about the visit to Leander today."

"What do you want to know?" he asked, not knowing where to start from.

"Everything. From the start."

"Well..." he trailed off, gathering his thoughts. "The door was already open when we got there, so we went in. He offered us something to drink—"

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